알 수 없음
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

Submissionphase ist eine Weile vorbei und die Cuts sind auch schon fertig. Entschuldigt, dass ich euch da nicht auf dem Laufenden gehalten habe.^^"

Das Schedule findet ihr sowohl hier auf Speedrun.com, als auch auf horaro unter: https://horaro.org/rngfestival/herbst2019

알 수 없음
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

RNG Festival is a online marathon that will take place between October 18th and October 20th.

For this marathon we focus on the german speaking communty, therefore the stream language will be German. So in order to submit you should be able to speak German fluently.

If you have questions regarding the marathon please refer to our Twitter @JumpersRNG or ask me (@RamValGaming) via Discord and the like.

Mischievous 이것을 좋아함
알 수 없음
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

Einmal kurz die Augen gerade aus. Ja genau, die Richtung stimmt. Ja noch ein Stück. STOP! Danke.

Bingo hat zu wenige Buchstaben-Zahlen-Kombinationen? Lotto hat viel zu wenig Zufall und zu hohe Gewinnquoten?

Wenn du die beiden Fragen mit “Ja” beantwortet hast, bist du entweder ziemlich irre oder aber du speedrunnst gerne Spiele mit einem ordentlichen RNG-Faktor. (Sollte beides zutreffen darfst du den nachfolgenden Link natürlich auch anklicken.)

Diesen hier: https://bit.ly/2JqeKq4

Wofür der ist? Merk schon, du stellst die richtigen Fragen. Das ist das Submission-Formular für das erste RNG Festival! Ein reines Online-Speedrun-Event mit dem Schwerpunkt RNG (Hell oder Heaven)! Wenn du also sagst “Ich hab da schon einen Speedrun, wo man sich mit dem RNG herum ärgern darf!” dann immer her damit.

Wie lange du deinen Run einreichen kannst? Noch eine schöne Frage. Bis einschließlich den 18.9.2019 23:59 dann ist Ende.

Und wann das ganze stattfinden soll? Aktuell ist der 18.10 bis zum 20.10.2019 geplant.

Wo man das ganze dann verfolgen kann? (auf die Frage habe ich am meisten gefreut) Auf dem Germench-Kanal, denn das RNG Festival ist eine Zusammenarbeit der RNGJumpers und Germench! (und das ist kein Zufall)

Also Interesse geweckt? Gut, dann schon mal zu RNGesus gebetet und Runs eingereicht.

Kurzvariante: Du hast Bock auf Online-Marathon und RNG? Dann schreib dich für das RNG Festival vom 18.10.-20.10. ein! Einsendeschluss ist der 18.9.2019 um 23:59 - hier das Submissionsformular: https:/​/​bit.​ly/​2JqeKq4

Bei Fragen schreibt uns bei Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JumpersRNG) oder kommt auf unseren Discord: https://discord.gg/DCPrWBg Wir freuen uns auf euch!

스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

@Liz: Generally I gave you all the information I can give you at the moment, but here is everything in short:

Marathon: RNG Festival Type: Online Event Dates: 18th - 20th October Times: 4pm - 12am CEST on each day Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/germench Mods: Myself, @Chaoskittyx, @Mowlie and @YukiArisato Charity: Germench e.V. (no extra donations, just bits and subs)

Additional Reason for doing the Event: As far as we four se it, there are not enough germanspeaking online events about speedruns at the moment. That's the reason why we started this idea. Also many marathons don't take RNG heavy runs. Of course it goes with risks taking those, but we generally will add them to the schedule and if the run dies, the runner still can use his/her time to show of glitches etc.

Additional Info: We can't currently provide a schedule, because the submissions just opened and we will close it around one month before the event. If we get enough runs, we will add 1-3 days to the marathon so it would go from 18th to maximum 23rd October. The Times we will hold the event are also a general guideline, because a run can go longer etc. But because of work hours we will make big breaks anyway. That's because we want most of the germanspeaking folk, interested in speedruns, being able to watch the full event or even partake in it.

I think, that should be everything we can currently provide you with.

스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

@Liv Generally we aim for those 3 days, each day from 4pm-12pm. If we get more submissions and the runners are able to, we will consider to add a day or more. The mods would be: Myself, @Chaoskittyx, @Mowlie, @YukiArisato

스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal5 years ago

Hey. The marathon I want to request is RNG Festival.

It will be a german speedrunning event which will take place online over at twitch.tv/germench. Time the marathon will be held: 18. - 20.10.2019 between 4pm-12pm o'clock. maybe more days depending on submissions. The subs and bits will go towards Germench e.V. to finance more speedrunning onsite events for other charity foundations.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal7 years ago

You can find the Speedrunner Discord here: https://discord.gg/4WQaQf2

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal7 years ago

If you have any ideas to change the rules or add more categories please discuss it here. ;)

스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal7 years ago

Well... here I am 5 days after posting here and in the forum of SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition. I wrote to the only mod on Twitch (direct message and normal message) and send him a friend request on Discord, because he doesn't accept direct messages if you are not a friend or on a server with him. I got nothing but silence from him and he wasnt online on for 10 days now.

Thread in the forum: https://www./SanctuaryRPG_-_Black_Edition/thread/qnqsd

So the question is still in the room: Can I get promoted to mod or should we wait even longer for our runs to get verified while me and a friend are active in the game?

EDIT (6.9.2017): Btw didnt see your answer kirkq, sry for that. Problem still stands that I can't contact him or atleast he doesn't respond.

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal7 years ago

@HowDenKing I know that the Discord Tag is wrong and I corrected it when searching for him before, Discord just didnt take it when I copied the corrected version in. Wrote it out and Discord found him then. Did a forum post now in the game forum and sent him a friend request on discord, because direct message doesnt work. He only accepts DM's from friends or people on a discord server with him and I'm not on a server with him sadly. Already did a message on Twitch, so maybe he will respond there. If the silence continues, I will report again.

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
스레드: The Site
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyRamVal7 years ago

Hey. I would like to become the mod for SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition. Tried to reach the mod of this game so he would review the runs from me and a friend. Couldn't do so on Twitch or Discord which he both put on his profile. I couldn't even find him on Discord with the given name and number combination. The rules and the pending runs are the reason why I want to become a mod, so I can set things straight and don't have to wait weeks for it to be accepted. I'm atleast online once a day to see if something in the games I run has changed anyway. Thanks in advance.

YUMmy_Bacon5 이것을 좋아함
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