Note: We use the fastest time on screen for ALL co-op runs. If one side who has the fastest time cannot provide that, we HAVE to go by the fastest time we can see and verify. It is encouraged that all sides provide their POV but not required.
Please, when you submit a full Twitch VOD, at least put a time stamp when the run starts. Thank you.
When submitting a run, please, PLEASE, have your inventory preset, your voice call and everything else in place. If not, don't submit the whole stream. Mods shouldn't have to sit through 10 mins of random set up stuff before the run. You can easily edit the VOD or add a time stamp. The past 3 runs I've watched, it's taken anywhere from 3-10 mins before the actual run. Same applies for taking a quick restroom break or whatever. Make it as fast as possible. There's no need to sit in the inventory screen for 5+ mins then continue a run. No rules have been broken but it makes viewing a run harder due to having to make 100% sure no funny business is going on. If this happens again, the run will be rejected and the runner(s) will be asked to either edit the VOD or add a time stamp when the run actually begins. Note: All rules still apply. Thank you.
So I want to run this game. Not shit IL's, but for real. (PB is like, 47 mins) So maybe we could post some tutorials and guides? Get new runners into it. I watched MiphaSR and I got 2nd on chapter 1 (chapter 2 is coming) But come on guys, lets get this up! S/O to MiphaSR for the strats. We can grow this game if we try.
The DLC boards should be as follows: 1.) No accessories 2.) No training mode 3.) No oob 4.) No glitches And of course a 60/120 thing (still a meme) But that would make it as fair as can be. Truth is, the rules can't make everyone happy. And that sucks. But it has to happen. Lets no lay down and let new ideas mess with how ALL past RE games have been ran. Rules are rules. This is just my opinion but I have been running RE game for a while and I know how these things usually go. I'm not a mod but hey, fuck it. -Snow
Why is it that the only mods doing anything are Chase and Genya? There are verifiers and SUPERS. I think a purge of mods needs to happen. And get some people who know the game in the position.
Does anyone else have a big issue launching the game on steam? Mine loads until the screen with all the info and copyright stuff and it takes me ages to figure out how to make it work again. Mainly by a lot of random clicking and going into the task manager a few times. Does anyone know how to fix this or make it easier to do? Thanks! People may or may not know about this but for console players there isn't an auto-splitter that adds up your IGT. Check back on the VOD and use the link above to quickly and perfectly get your overall time,
Anyone else who plays on Xbox One or PS4 get disconnected during QTE cut scenes? (Mostly at the end of 2-1 and in the plane in 6-3) It happens to me nearly every time and I was wondering if it was me or the game itself.
So, I was thinking about adding IL's to the boards. How do you guys feel about that?
So, I made my platform XB1 and yet I get rejected. I was mad till I saw this...
Why are there TWO platforms?
Zenix. There was a run that you approved. Now...did you watch the run? Look at 6-3. He died. Is a death a tactical reset? Who voted on this? I have a run but I did a NON-tactical reset So I didn't add it. Perhaps you should at least skim through a run before you do this. This is to ALL MODS.
Any other players using Windows 10 seeing anything like this? I had 7 and it ran perfectly but now it's very bad. Any idea on why this happens/how to fix this?