California, USAProgramMax3 years ago

I am watching the top run of this game. It is Any% Web. PeterAfro saves at the first shrine, gets the first key, then quits. When PeterAfro reloads he is at the shrine with his key. That saved them the time running back.

This doesn't seem to work on the Steam/Itch version. If I save at the shrine, get the key, and quit...when I load the game, I don't have the key. I have to run back.

This also means stopping at shrines is purely a slowdown rather than a strat. But if you need health, you'll do it. This means more mechanics in the Steam/Itch version.

I think it would be wise to create a separate category for the Steam/Itch version. I'll make a run if we need to at least have something to enter there.

Additionally, since the web version requires Flash which is no longer a thing, competing against web entries isn't much of an option.

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