How do you know that the oreextract file used to be hosted there? It could help to find it
I am unaware of the location of those files, but the developers are pretty responsive to emails to developers@nuclearmonkeysoftware, and they might have some early builds. I would LOVE to see the oreextract tool, because I'm curious about game crashes and if they can be fixed.
Why do runs have to be on twitch or youtube and not google drive or other file sharing platform?
There is a tool on resources called "startdemos creator" that allows you to play back a set of demos at the same time, which you could record, but I'm not sure if livesplit would autosplit it
Is there a discord? because the src discord button links to the p2 server
To answer the first question, you can indeed submit just chapter one times, but you can also submit the chapters from a full run, either one is accepted. As for the second question, I'm not sure, but I think that is true. However, I've found that once you figure it out, recording demos is more convenient than a video, and causes less lag during the run (though this only really matters if you play on a potato like me)
Is livesplit set to game time or real time? If real time, that might be the problem