there is! we've gotten a lot of new runners because of this change
I can make one if you'd like. Gimme a bit and i should have it up in about a week or so. Unless of course i forget about it or get busy. Also sorry for the late response i didnt see the forums until today lol
hey sorry i know this is a late response, didnt see this until now. To answer your question im probably going to revamp the rules to allow for this because when I initially wrote the rules i didnt know about the R button being reset.
great plateau imo as you learn a lot about how to do all of the speedrun tricks... plus its universal in like most categorys.
I believe the only way to do this would be transferring flags using new game+ but at that point you might as well just transfer dark beast ganon so it kinda just removes the entire reason to go to hyrule castle
It’s a really cool idea though I just think it would be too limited to non professional content creator runners
I honestly can see it being a category extension if it were any% all Zelda games% but 100%? There are few runners with the dedication let alone time to do such things... unless of course your blessed enough to make a living by being a content creator, then you likely can’t do it 🤷♂️
the problem i find with this game though is that most of the course dont actually have any reason to clip out of bounds as most of the courses are either surrounded by a wall of spikes or are just completely flat... the current times we have without oob are already faster then clipping oob, however i can see some uses for clipping oob for example course 3 3star%, but unfortunately my understanding of that glitch is its level specific... The hitbox thing is actually really helpful tho.
I was just wondering if the switch would be allowed to run this game since Nintendo recently added Fire N Ice to the Switch Nintendo Switch Online NES thing....
its easier to reset the game completely on switch then it is on steam, which is kinda why i want the switch version
i think adding Individual Level categories would be sweet