@Daravae Hi, sry for my old post think it was a little bit ambiguous but i will explain it more detailed. Yes I have tried to contact him in Discord and Twitch but is inactive in both of them and it has not been online in Speedrun in 2 months, so like two weeks ago I request moderation of NBA2K19 (https://www.speedrun.com/nba_2k19) and @ShikenNuggets replied my post and told me that the moderator does not reply too, so told me that I needed to activate the email authentication in case he effectively doesn't reply so I did, but since I have not reply from Shiken yet neither, decided to post again. So if needed I can send you SS of the discord and the old post
@ShikenNuggets Ok, I have already activated the email authentication, waiting for your response.
Hi, I send a run for verification for the game NBA 2K19 like a month ago and I still have not reply, tried to contact the moderator but didn’t answer my request as well tried via twitch account but is inactive too, there are just one moderator for this game so want to know how I could proceed :(