GG! Very nice clean run with very few small mistakes! I'm gonna have to grind to overtake you again!
Divinorum 23, I belive you are describing low% if I'm correct. I would also like to see low%, but I think it is unlikely to be added as a category as not enough people I think are interested in running this category. I'd be happy to learn the starts for it and run it tho
The people who verify runs can sometimes take longer than a week. I'm still waiting for some runs to be verified that I submitted 2 or 3 weeks ago. They will get round to verifying it, and you'll get notified when It gets accepted/rejected
This is definitely not going to be added as a category because hard to add new categories on this website and I'm absolutely baffled by what you said, I still don't get it. Sorry mate
I can't lie, I don't really understand your point. What are you trying to say?
I'm sorry for the poor calculation error I made. Not sure how I messes this 1 up. I'll be more careful in the future
No. When I do any % runs, I calculate the time after I complete the run. Because I don't have a capture card, I record on my phone and compare the start and end times of the video. Not sure how that would work if you have a capture card
I would like to see star runs. The idea sounds nice, and I think everyone likes using the star in any NSMB game
This occurs as soon as you select a new file.
At the beggining of the run, you select how many people are playing. At that point, you can select 2,3 or 4 if you are playing woth more than 1 person.