스레드: Furi
AustraliaHalfGood2 years ago

It's basically a dank% run, just gives runners more style points for running it. It doesn't need to have a separate categories for story vs speedrun mode or PG vs no PG or even ILs. It's just a 'for fun' category that can have it's own rules based on what the community preference is. A plain and simple furi speedrun mode 0 hit no PG category would be awesome. As much as id prefer it to be 0 damage and 0 hit. It just makes more sense to make it 0 hit only. As long as the in-game hit counter is 0 at the end of the run the run is valid (yes, that means dashing off the edge to survive P6 burst will be a thing). No PG is just a personal preference as that's what everyone has done, I'd be 100% okay if PG and no PG were both valid in this category. I only know of 3 recorded runs that fit the requirement. And I'm pretty sure there are more out there, I just don't wanna search for them at all. And I like to think I'm pretty interested in Furi 0 hit. It's doubtful anyone not in the very-in-community will even know about it. All I'm saying is it would be nice to have a list of these runs somewhere online, and it makes the most sense to put them on speedrun.com.

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