NetherlandsGr4de4 years ago

A couple of days ago, the rules were loosened up to allow for express passes and the way they were obtained. As it was a problem for some runners to get a hold of due to the daily reset time for the game. Since sharing this update, a new strategy has been found that allows you to stack login bonuses indefinitely, and therefore get the express passes at any point.

The method is described in this guide

The method is only to be used up to a maximum of 10 days, as the first 10 days provide the same login bonuses for each player, after that they will become random.

Its also been decided to allow a few of the event tab quest weeklies as these are the same each week and therefore do not constrict the optimal time to run to a certain week of the month. These are the hunting screamer, hunter hater and tdm attack weekly quests, and the rules have been updated as such.

That is all, happy running everyone :)

NetherlandsGr4de4 years ago

I was wondering if it allowed to hack/cheat in credits for when I want to speedrun as the paradox or gunslinger. Since I don't always get the stuff I want so I want to reset on them but I'm always low on credits so I'm forced to kill bosses basically just so I can do another run with gunslinger/paradox. But I was wondering if that's allowed, and if it is, can someone tell me how to best do it?

NetherlandsGr4de5 years ago

So I've done 4 full game new account runs. 1 for practice, and 3 in full.

Times: 1st full run: ~14,5 hours. Died on Taro 2nd full run: ~9,75 hours. Died on Taro 3rd full run: 14:57:26

From doing this a couple of times I found out some strategies and ways to approach the run. I'd say with what I know now a sub 9 hour time is definitely possible, but I don't get many opportunities to do a run of that length. So for anyone wanting to tackle this category, Here are some things I've learned.

Weapons & Armor Okay, so first of. you absolutely NEED to use the Iron in this run. The reason for this is because it's strong enough to carry you till the end of the game, the R&D is easy and you can get it early on. The iron blueprint can be found in the later D.O.D. floors. I know for a fact you can find it on floors 6,7,8 and 9F. I've heard people say 5F too but I haven't been able to confirm this. You can also get it as a shop spawn for 30 000 kill coins. But only on the second shop. Not on 3F Omoki. Make this your absolute top priority as soon as you start your run because this can make the difference between a 10-hour and 15-hour run.

As for gear, for body and legs, you'd want to use battle trucker. If you can't find this then DIY set is also fine. For gear, I'm not entirely sure yet in which part of D.O.D. these drop. As a headpiece, you wanna get captains barret. If you can't find this then use dark rhyback helmet as an alternative. Or the Silent Sniper helmet from a charger in the 20s but I'd advise getting a helmet before this point.

Also, make sure you have at least your body or legs, but preferably body to tier 3 by the time you reach Taro. Or he will one-shot you. I learned this the hard way.

Quests Quest are crucial. always make sure you are working on a quest along of your main goal. There's a lot of easy quests you can do for death metals which will help for reviving or skipping later R&D stages.

There's also material quests. I can't really remember a lot of them from the top of my head but a few good ones are getting 20 assault rifle kills for a D.O.D. green metal and there was also a quest for killing 20 screamers in 19F Chitoso-mei for a D.O.D. green metal. This is perfect as 19F is also a floor on which D.O.D. green metal can spawn from a trap room chest. You will need as many D.O.D. greens for your armor as possible. For your first D.O.D. red you should do the quest for killing 10 enemies with a hockey stick (i believe this quest unlocks once you reach 32F but might be 33 or 34F). Hockey stick can be found in the same later floors as the iron blueprint. Although if you are able I'd play on a shop day to get D.O.D. red early. See the rotation section further down for more on this.

Other then that keep your eyes open for golden animal rewarding quest as these can help you level up new fighters faster. And give you some powerful shrooms along the way. Always kill the animals and don't eat them to make sure you get their shroom.

Fighters I don't have much to say here but if you are confident in your skills you should consider either pushing with your grade 3 fighter to 35F where grade 5 fighters unlock or with your grade 2 fighter to 25F where grade 4 fighters unlock. This can save you a lot of money and time spent on leveling.

Rotation Now the rotation is also important. I'd advise playing on a shop day. Which are on Wensday, Friday and Sunday so you can get a D.O.D red early instead of doing the hockey quest. But if you are unable to play on these days, what day you pick shouldn't really matter.

Some final tips Don't be afraid to spend some time doing a few death metal quests. Yes it makes your run longer but if you die in the 30s you won't have the option to do a killcoin salvage as it's not possible to have your bank upgraded to a far enough stage where you can hold the amount needed to do a salvage. Of course you can spend death metals on salvage but this costs you 3 death metals which is a costly sum.

Like i stated before. You gotta make sure to have at least your body or legs to tier 3 so Taro won't one-shot you. Don't hesitate spending a death metal or 2 on speeding up R&D instead of doing meaningless chores while you wait for the timer.

Hope all of this helps. Good luck runners!

NetherlandsGr4de5 years ago

Hello everyone,

I decided to write down my "guide" on what I think is the best route for this category as well as give some tips on the general layout and what to watch out for. Keep in mind that the decal Treasure Hunter is heavily utilized in this guide, and advised for any speedrun.

First off I like to point out an important feature of Treasure Hunter, that might often be overlooked. And that is that it highlights valves. On your original playthrough these valves are used to block off areas so you are forced to fight mid-bosses. Of course you would later open these gates. But the valves are still located on the map. This helps with routing a lot. These valves display as a "!" on the map when using treasure hunter. So if I refer to the valve exit in the routing below then this is what I mean.

Routing introduction In general, even though the game has several different layouts, 9 out of 10 times you will be sticking to the same route as all the mid-bosses are pretty much located on the main path. However there are a few situations where going off the main path is slightly faster, and I'll point these out as I go. Also, keep in mind this is MY recommended route. I might be the world record holder but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. SO take out of this what you want.

Route D.O.D. Arms

  • 1F Ikegara: Just keep running, if you come at the cross-section there's about an 80% chance you will already see which side goes to Wanoki, take the opposite side.

  • 2F Imokawa-Cho: 1 Straight floor. Just keep running.

  • 3F Tamata: TH (Treasure Hunter) is useful, lots of times you can save 1 tileset so check where Coen is before the crossroads.

  • 4F Tagahara: TH is important. I've noticed Joten-Jima is usually the escalator the furthest away from you.

  • 5F Joten-Jima: TH not required. 1 Straight floor. Just keep running.

  • 6F Moka-Magome: TH is very useful. This is the most random floor in D.O.D. Arms. Also when you kill Jin-Die the escalator to Daneda is always the second/highest one in her arena.

  • 7F Daneda: TH useful, take the normal escalator exit to Meta-Koya. The other escalator has a valve.

  • 8F Meta-Koya: Use TH to check for the valve escalator, this is where you want to go.

  • 9F: Smallest D.O.D. floor with only 1 tileset. Escalator to 10F is easy to spot because of this.

  • 10F Omeno-Soto: Pretty straight forward map. It's useful to use a strategy called train skip. (My PB has this.) Basically you want to jump of the first train to the second one very fast. This way you can sprint through the first part of the second train fast enough to jump back on the first one. This saves having to climb up onto that 1 part where you always fall off cuz the game hates you. The full animation will still have to play but it saves around 10 seconds.

*Aditional note: You want to go with the 8F Meta-Koya route instead of Niko-Senzoku as Niko-Senzoku forces you trough Yoshiki-Dani which has a forced reversal tuber encounter, and also the highest area in the game which you do not want to climb or fall off from.

War Ensemble

  • 11F Maka-Tsutsumi: Stick to the right side for Goto. He's always in the same location. After you kill goto open the gates with the valve behind you. This saves about 5 seconds.

  • 12F Ukongoka: Take the escalator to Kamoto which has a valve.

  • 13F Kamoto: TH is important. If you're lucky the escalator will be there right away. But with bad luck you'd have to run through the whole floor.

  • 14F Yamadai: Keep left. The escalator is always this way when you are coming from Kamoto.

  • 15F Usogaya. Use TH to see which escalator has the valve escalator, take the escalator without one.

  • 16F Kaga: The layout of this floor is always the same except for the very last part that determines if Jin-Die is on the left or right side of the floor. After you kill Jin-Die, turn back and head for the Tata escalator.

  • 18F Tata: Small floor with only 1 tileset. The escalator location is random.

  • 19F Daida: This floor is random. Use TH to locate the escalator.

  • 20F Nora: 1 straight path. Just keep running

  • 19F Chitoso-mei. Use TH to locate the escalator.

  • 20F Hachiyanma: No real advice I can provide here. This is usually the part of the run where I put on my armor.

Kama Tech

  • 21F Akami: The escalator is always the one the furthest one away

  • 22F Kawabe: There are 2 escalators that go up. Go to the one without a valve lock.

  • 23F Echizen-Jima: Use TH to locate Goto's arena. It's always next to the elevator.

  • 24F Sumikiyo: Use TH to locate the escalator.

  • 25F Kanie - 28F Hyakkoku/Hyakuda: This is a lawless wasteland. There's no indicators of where you need to go. Just take whatever boss you can take out first and decide for yourself if you wanna go back to the other boss trough 25F Kanie or 27F Shinko-Bashi. Then proceed to make your way to 29F. On shop days (Mo, Wed, Fri) you want to take out Coen First and then go back trough Kanie for Jin-Die as this is faster for this layout.

  • 29F Hasidaka: Use TH to look for the valve indicator for the draw bridge. If there's a chest next to the escalator then this is always Saigetsu, as a chest sometimes spawns near it.

  • 30F Saigetsu: Again, nothing really special here. Just beat Crowley.

Muscle Internation League Killers (M.I.L.K.)

  • 31F Obara: Osuki is always the furthest escalator away.

  • 32F Osuki - 34F Nitanda: I prefer to go Osuki > Koi > Katsuma > Uchinobu for this route. The reason being is that the escalator to Katsuma is always next to your point of entry when entering Koi. And because when you get into Nitanda trough Uchinobu instead of Togose Coen And the escalator to Shina-Yama are always closer. But its ultimately up to the person.

  • 35F Shina-Yama: 🎵 Here's a little lesson in trickery. 🎵 The pink escalators in the 30s are always a trap. You have to take the blue one to Itanodai. This is always the one furthest away.

  • 36F Itanodai: Straight forward floor. Just 1 path with Goto at the end.

  • 37F Hiromatsu: Use TH to locate the escalators. The placement is random so you just have to hope you get the Ebata escalator on the first try.

  • 38F Ebata: Straightforward floor with Jin-Die at the end.

  • 39F Haratsuka: The escalator is always attached to the crossroads with the tower. It's also the only escalator with a valve so you can use TH to locate it.

  • 40F Futagi: Use the Dialogue skip. this saves about 17-19 seconds and works as follows. BEFORE you start your speedrun, head up to this floor and talk with Uncle Death. He will do his usual dialogue after which he asks the player to take of their equipment. Choose "No" as your response. Then go back to the waiting room and start your speedrun. About 95% of the time when you reach him again he won't do his full dialogue and simply asks you if you are ready to take of your equipment again. Instead of giving you his full dialogue. Talking with Uncle Dead to setup this skip has to be done every time the players goes back to the waiting room.

Rage fist punches to knock the first 2 fighters off the platform before the fight with Taro helps killing them faster as Taro will use fireballs and the hands from the platform to try and kill them.

Hope this helps everyone trying this category out! :D

NetherlandsGr4de5 years ago


Event Summary This is a community event sponsored by GungHo that will award the fastest 10 players on each platform with various prizes. The event takes place from 11/6/2019 00:01 – 11/29/19 23:59 (PST). Any runs submitted to the leaderboards outside of that timeframe are not eligible for prizes. For a more extensive explanation, please check the official announcement ↪here.

How to participate In order to participate, please follow the instructions in the ↪official announcement.

Rules Rules can be found by going to ↪this page, then highlighting the existing account category and then press the View rules button.

This thread This thread serves as an announcement in itself. But also a place for participants to ask questions about the event. So, if you are confused about the content of the event or need help with speedrunning Let It Die in general then this thread is the place.

Please don't ask questions in this thread regarding recording or timing your speedruns before reading the ↪guides and ↪resources for that topic If that doesn't help you then feel free to ask in here.

Discord If you like a more active place to chat and prefer a chatroom over a forum, there's also the Let It Die Discord. Keep in mind however that this is the general Let It Die Discord. But there is a dedicated channel for speedrunning which of course is also named "#speedruning". To join the Discord, simply click ↪here

NetherlandsGr4de5 years ago

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my 2nd attempt at a speedrun from a new account. I died at the end and couldn't continue. took me almost 10 hours. Had a lot of fun though. Not sure when I'll be able to try again. I don't get many chances to stream this long in a row. But for now I'm just leaving this here as inspiration for anyone that might want to attempt it for themselves.

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