Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

Hi guys I would like to add an insane 16 run for boss fight. I was playing with a club mate and someone who I found using Looking For A Team. Neither of them have SRC accounts. Should I submit 1P, 2P or 3P?

Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

nita% is short but why isn't it just brawl stars, not CE I don't get it because it's still a trophy road speedrun

Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

I know, I know, I already did a post about this in 'Question regarding timing', but we NEED sleep breaks after Tick%. We can't change the rules for Tick as that's already been done, but if we had one 12 hour break for 8-Bit% and EMZ%, and possibly even two for Stu%. This may seem excessive, but you may need to play in 500 trophy ranges in Stu%, where it gets so long, making it even more than the 32 hour estimate Kailo suggested in 'How long would Stu% take?" Not that I am planning on a Stu run anytime soon, but it may encourage more people to try and increase competitiveness in these marathon runs.

MAD_MAX_64 이것을 좋아함
Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

For example: 512 tile, 1024 tile, High Scores, Lose as quickly as possible

grntsz, Mavi_adam, 그리고 mp_06 이것을 좋아함
Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

Based of Sanssler and duecefold's tick% time 11 hours it would be 22 hours, but it gets harder in higher trophy ranges so could it be at least 24

Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

What are your views? If someone exploited the Peach cat glitch for the whole game (watch LuigiMaster's W1-1), is it possible?

Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

On longer runs (Brock% onward) do they have to be all in one go or can I split the run and edit the videos together? My parents would not be happy with me playing 12 hours on end.

Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20203 years ago

So we could have inkwell isle 1 2 and 3, with different rules such as run n guns, grades and difficulties. For example: (RnGs is run n' guns)

Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Simple Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Regular Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Expert Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Simple + RnGs Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Regular + RnGs Inkwell Isle I All Bosses Expert + RnGs Inkwell Isle I Grades S+P

Repeat for II and III.

CBE2009 이것을 좋아함
Hertfordshire, EnglandGorillaGamer20204 years ago

Like maybe 70k for those who find 30k really easy

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