I want the lanyard, but i dont want a picture of my face on it. Is there any way to get my avatar on there instead of my face?
Can anyone explain why this works?
Germans PogChamp //
Also the GTA series is pretty popular. Especially Vice City as it is really broken. And the community is really nice too OneHand
How do i practice one part in a speedrun
How do i practice one part in a speedrun
Bitrate and resolution are dependend on your upload. Considering you have a 1-2 MB/s connection i would recommend to set your bitrate to 800-1500 depending on internet stability and speed. Resolution should be set to either 480p or higher. You just have to fiddle around with that a bit. Just use some settings, start streaming for a bit and see if you drop frames.
If you want to test your connection speed: http://www.speedtest.net/
If you want to ping a twitch server: http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/R1CH/JTVPing.zip
For comparison my upload is 5MB/s and i stream at 720p 2000 bitrate and 30fps.
Hope i could help you a bit OneHand
I may want to start running mirrors edge soon. What kind of holds me back is the ridiculously low default fov. I know that you can change it, but is it allowed ?
Thanks !
Watched almost everything, and enjoyed it veeery much ! Alot of awesome people on stream that i like to watch and who are also very entertaining :) Very nice commentary over most games by Eidgod who explained most things when the runner did no, or barely any commentary.
Summary: My favorite games, ran by my favorite people over the span of 5 days. It couldnt get any better. So thanks to Eid and Shanz for hosting, and the communtiy for taking part on this event :) Definately looking forward for the next one ! :) /
\ FrankerZ /
I would like to see some more categories for games. For example some fun ones like: riot%, winter%, Shakedown%, Chaos%, All Packages and stuff. Would be really nice to see because i checked the SRL leaderboard and these time are waay old.
So yea maybe this can get implemented if its not too hard to do.
OpieOP /
Payment received, thank you so much !
Now i can sub to the GTAMarathon channel \ FrankerZ /
add pls OpieOP
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