
Hey demonx3! Indeed, the ingame timer does pause when you are selecting a skill from the pool. And when you "end" your run and get the post game victory/defeat screen, the game will then show you how long that run took, alongside other valuable info.

Hey Ya'll! Sorry about the delay, I was on vacation for a couple of days. I will keep everything updated regarding new patches from now on. If this happens again for some reason, please hold on to your runs until the correct patch is added in, before submitting it.

The devs can make a variety of small patches or emergency patches very quickly, and these small fixes and emergency updates will generally not have an official announcement following them, for example the current e3 version you see, is still the winterfall update with extra steps.

So we have to wait for the official notes to come out, before I update them here, the site also requires me to provide a link/file for the patch.

Forgot to mention that the Alpha versions of the game will not be considered valid for speedruns, only the officially launched non Alpha version patches.

GameSmithingNomad에 대해서
Nomad, Community Manager for the SoulStone Survivors Community, currently working for Game Smithing.
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