Yeah go ahead, submit another if your current is verified, just don’t submit the same one like several times.
I will likely make a forum post about it soon.
Just here to say the using the box to save some time for a jump is completely fine, as i’d count that more or less as a strategy, not a glitch. Marking your runs as glitched because you used the box to save some time is unnecessary.
Counting this as glitchless because I find using the box is moreorless a speedrun strategy.
Considering I just came back home to 9 runs to verify, I will soon.
Just wanted to clear up some confusion (which will happen one way or another), I have contacted the developer of Mr Nightmares school, and he has confirmed that zombie mode is the exact same as normal mode, but with a reskin.
Since it’s the exact same thing, there won’t be a certain category for zombie mode.
Considering the fact a run submitted by artifrish isn’t on the pending page, and you have no runs on your profile, I’m confident to say your run has been rejected.
No, it is strictly youtube and twitch, as those are the only two websites better speedrun timer allows. (Youtube is easier, though.)
Obsolete definition: No longer produced or used; out of date.
seek extended chase can take you to the backrooms for context
No, it would count as nothing on the list.
Hello! I would really wish to help you moderate this page, if you deny, I don’t mind! I’d just really like to help (:
In runs like death runs, do some game-passes have an exception due to them being completely irrelevant to the run? For e.g: Extra lives on a run going for the quickest death?