Auto clickers really shouldn't be allowed, I don't see any reason for them to be considered a tool, you're just removing an entire aspect of the run (upgrades / beggars mainly). I would say that MvM runs should be more comparable to the Scriptless category of Basic Training.
The (wider TF2) community clearly has people complaining about cheesing in MvM speedruns ( ), to the point of people from outside the community (non-runners) making accounts with the express purpose of responding to that post. Yet the rules for MvM allow arguably a more obvious form of "cheesing", with auto-ready scripts and auto-clickers (admittedly not expressly allowed). Hidden upgrades are the exception to this in my opinion because you can do them perfectly fine within game as an exploit/glitch.
You just use the downpatcher that's on the resources.
It doesn't need to be a category, you can run it just like you can run any of the other categories on Console.
You can do a run glitchless yes. If you want it to be a category:
Please see:
Its quite literally stickied here, if you want a category to be made you need to run it.
As with exactly every category, if you want it to be a category, you and multiple others should actually run it :)
The category itself is only for new game (but Geared would definitely be a more fun run than a new game) but if you want it as a category just like run it (Missions would be: (and no need to do Maliwan Takedown since you can run downpatched))
You can surely downpatch on Epic, as well as remove hotfixes that are added.
You're supposed to use the Patcher given in the google drive link that was linked. The most recent Borderlands 2 Patch does not work with the old patcher.
Glitch Spreadsheet:
Load Screens when QSing are the worst thing every thought about
It means literally everything. What is even the point of existing and in extension what is even the point of having legacy. Why do we even exist?