SwitzerlandFouks3 years ago

So Stk 1.3 will be released soon. There are contradictory info whether there will be an 1.4 or if we will directly get 2.0 like there were no 0.9.4, but I think that we can already start discussing about Stk 2.0 here.

One thing for sure is that Ghost recordings will no longer be accepted as discussed a long time ago ( https://www.speedrun.com/stk/thread/39mav/5#17pbc ), videos will have to be recorded directly while playing, though Ghosts could still be accepted in the cases that do not require proof (for example IL 10% longer than Top Run).

I don't know if some fundamental game physics/mechanics (speed, accelerations, kart parameters,...) will be changed in 2.0 like for 0.9.3 -> 1.0. I am aware of a few tracks being revamped like Shifting Sands or an upscaling of Zen Garden. Thing is, if only a few tracks change a lot and the mechanics remain the same, it would be weird to have a whole new 2.x category where many ILs are basically the same between 1.x and 2.x, with runs that should obsolete each other.

There are plans of making a new Story Mode so there will certainly be a new 2.x for Full Runs.

For Stk Addons, I will make a new Mod some time after 2.0 is out. If there are Standard Tracks that are removed then they will go to Stk Addons 2 and their times must not be submitted here. The already existing thread for new tracks in the other forum can be used to suggest inclusion of new Addons.

You are welcomed to share important Stk development information that affects speedrunning here.

Speedrunners can also discuss about things that should be fixed in 2.0. Annoying things, bugs,... Or suggest things. I think that there should be less Ai karts in the Story Mode... We all know about the Checkline glitch that reduces for some reason the Finish Time in some tracks, this should be fixed. That would notably help for the GPs. I suppose that the unintended shortcuts like the Volcan Island ones or the Gran Paradiso Island Big Jump will be fixed as well...

TheZilag 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks4 years ago

Such discussions deserve their own thread, so let's open it! Looks like there is interest in including Nitro Island and Powder Rush to the Mod? If they don't have any issue and are ready to be frozen, I can add them soon...

Wax-stk, Andet, 그리고 theodorepringle 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks4 years ago

Topic for general discussion about Moderators, though it is also in order to discuss about a specific thing, a Moderator Cleanup.

I think that moderators should be people that come/check here regularly, like at least once every few days... But it looks like that many of the current ones are no longer around... Many things have been discussed recently so they would not even have any clue about the new General Rules, the All Tracks Gp or the new Addons Subgame...

Brmbrmcar "Last online 3 months ago" Kitoko "Last online 26 days ago" and I did not see him since months in the Stk Community Alayan "Last online 1 month ago" though I feel that he is still around and interested in Stk and Speedrunning Alistair is clearly still involved in Stk but no longer for Stk Speedrunning... In another hand I have the feeling that Andet is 24/7 here Lol

It does not really make sense to have inactive moderators so we should do some cleanup (once again, as another one was done in the past) The current inactive or seemingly inactive moderators should come post something and explain if they plan to become active again or don't longer want to moderate (or if they want to remain Mods despite being unable to come here often, I already myself disappeared once after all so that is fine; in this case they should have reasons for both inactivity and motivations). Now I am only a Regular Moderator so Super Moderators that don't want to moderate anymore would need to remove themselves and assign that role to Andet or me (and if they really disappeared, well... We can't really do anything I guess)

In the past the system was something like I submit some runs, I ask to become a moderator, I become one (and this was basically the way I become one Lol); such opening is cool but after some time many eventually disappear and cleanups are unavoidable...

Alistair_Findlay, Kitoko 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks4 years ago

The rules are similar to the main game's one, see https://www.speedrun.com/stk/thread/39mav

The difference is that you are playing other tracks, that are Addons and not playable (for Speedruns) in the main game. Other important points:

  • You should use the tracks provided by the Stk Mod's assets. Don't get them from the official Stk Addons download service or anywhere else.
  • If you prefer, you can use a Stk based on official code for ILs as long as there is no gameplay changes between your Stk and the Mod during races.
  • Story Mode runs must be done with the Mod (Story Mode would not work anyway otherwise), and the Built-in Timer is mandatory here, in contrast to the Vanilla Game. We will not accept Story Mode runs timed with external timers.
  • We will still accept IL runs if you did not use the Stk Mod assets, if there is no way to distinguish any gameplay difference between your version and the Mod's one. However, if there are any detected difference, you run will be rejected or get a penalty time.

For now, SuperTuxKart Addons 1 is hosted here: https://github.com/Fouks0/stk-code/releases/tag/Addons-1.0c

Otherwise the General Rules linked above apply.

List of Allowed Karts: same as the Vanilla Game (No Addons) List of Tracks: every track included in the Mod.

In this Subgame, they are the Standard Tracks. Other tracks, including the Standard ones of the Vanilla game, are considered as Addons and not playable here.

theodorepringle 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks4 years ago

We need to precise to which direction this Sub Game should go...

So I exposed the idea to create a Stk Mod that contains Addons karts and tracks as Standard, now we should discuss whether we could add other stuff in this Mod (modified speeds, Story Mode, ...), or if that Mod should only be a Vanilla Stk + Addons.

Another approach would be just to host a sort of "Addons Snapshot" somewhere and still use normal Stk with these Addons, that could work too. In this case it would still be nice to have Addons separated from the main game. The snapshot should be updated only very rarely, at most as often as new major Stk versions are out.

Also we need to select which Addons we should add in this Leaderboard (and in the Mod if we create one; in this case only Addons in the Mod can be added in the Leaderboard). And which Addons Karts are allowed. You did not add AnimTrack, Andet :p ? And TeamWork Lol Personally I don't really care as I don't play Addons. For the Addons karts I just want Libbie Lol (in another words I don't really care as well). They should just not be broken.

trolli123 그리고 Andet 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks5 years ago


This topic aims to precise general rules regarding runs submission. Please read before submitting your first run. Failure to comply with the rules will result to a rejection of your run.

It is also the place to discuss about them and propose changes. Also tell us if something is unclear or missing! This post will be updated when needed.

Rules changes are in general not retroactive, unless it gives older runs unfair and significant advantages, but one can ask to update a submission to comply with the new rules. A verified run whose proof is no longer accessible will remain, but when possible, the submitter should update the link or reupload the proof.

Also read the speedrun.com rules: https://www.speedrun.com/rules These rules and the ones in this post complement each other.

Specific Rules

Please read the rules of the IL you are running, or the Full Game ones using the "View rules" button. They override the General Rules.

Submissions Rules

Record (1st place) and any run having a time less than 10% worse require a video for submission. Else, runs with times at least 10% worse than the current record don't need any proof (though try to provide a screenshot link in the description if you cannot provide a video). We however reserve the right to reject runs without proof if there are suspicion of abuse of this rule. For now, ghost replays videos are allowed for ILs, but this may be subject to change in the future and Live recordings are always preferred.

There is no strict requirement about that, but please only submit good quality recordings as we may reject low quality videos. Make test recordings before your first run to ensure that there is no major flaws from the recorder.

Please make sure that we can access to your video, and that you linked to the correct video. Check your run infos (correct time, category, etc.) before submitting.

You can always view the already verified runs and their videos to have example of correct submissions.

In case of submissions having issues not covered by the rules, a verifier can either validate the run using a reasonable adaptation like rounding or adding penalty times, or discuss about it. Penalty times can also be applied instead of a rejection in a case-by-case basis and will be clearly shown in the submission's description.

General SuperTuxKart rules

The run must be played on Windows, Linux, or Mac. For IL runs, playing on Android is also permitted. Emulation or virtualization is not allowed.

No Addon Karts are allowed for either the player or AI.

You can use any shortcut/skip as long as it is possible in normal play and not disallowed in the Specific Rules of the level you are running or the Story Mode. So the Big Door Bypass/Gate Skip in 0.9.3 and Grand Prix Skips are perfectly valid in Any% runs, and you can use any known (or new ones!) shortcut/skip in ILs.

A run gameplay must not be influenced by actions done before it (for example, from a previous attempt).

For ILs In Game Times, In 0.9.3 and 1.0, use if possible the Ghost Time shown in the Ghosts List (or equivalently, the one shown in the Ghost's Filename). Otherwise use the time shown at the Finish Screen (not the one next to the character icon); if the timer is only precise to the 1/100 s, put 4 in the milliseconds' last digit (for example 1:23.45 -> 1:23.454). The time shown after replaying a ghost is not valid. If we cannot see a valid time, we will add a penalty time of 0.1 s.

Game alterations and cheating

Allowed mods are:

  • Reasonable texture, color, text and music mods. They must not help you, for example showing Checklines is not allowed;
  • Numeric speedometer;
  • Any mod helping to time your run;
  • Some convenience modifications. You can mod the game such that it is faster to reset failed runs, for example adding a feature resetting the profiles every time you quit the Story Mode, so you don't have to create a new one each failure. Such modifications must obviously not help you get better times.

IL Runs (non GP) done on online servers are admissible, but may still be rejected if there were noticeable lags or if we notice that the server made unacceptable modifications (different physics, etc.). Only Live recordings are accepted in these cases. Make sure to pick the "Online" option for the "Subversion" and mention in the description which server was used; failure to do so may result in a rejection of the run.

If unsure, ask us to be sure whether your mods are allowed.

All other mods are disallowed and considered as cheating. This includes but is not limited to Gameplay (allow doing actions impossible to do normally, change the game experience, modify RNG and other game behavior), Physics (modify speeds, etc.) and Geometry (3D models) modifications.

Usage of TAS in any form (for example by modding the game or using other software to help inputting precise actions) is not allowed and considered as cheating.

Note that we rely on trust and assume good faith. With good technical knowledge it is perfectly possible to make cheated runs without any way of getting caught and such runs would pass if the cheater is not too greedy. We count on you to make honest runs and not oblige us to add stricter requirements.

Measures like banning (not accepting any runs anymore from someone) can be taken in case of proven cheating.

Other Rules

Artist's Debug Mode must be disabled.

If compiling the code yourself, be careful to use the code and assets matching the release, and not the latest code from Git, which might have introduced gameplay alterations. Of course the "Game alterations" section applies so you can use the official timer and any legal mod (in this case they must be based on the code corresponding to the release, and not the latest code or anything else).

Similar for the assets, you must use the ones from releases and not for example the newest Svn ones (or things like using 1.0's Candela City in 0.9.3).

For multiple version categories (0.9.0-0.9.2 or 1.x), you are however allowed to use any official code or assets within the version range (unless some code or asset that was quickly fixed later broke something that would give the runner a significant advantage). So you can for example use Git code and features that came after the 1.0 release and until the latest 1.x release, and use Git Commits until the game becomes distinguishable from the latest 1.x release (rules similar to mods apply, for example if a commit changes the kart speed) or explicitly updates the version; you may not use any code that came after such commit for the category.


Read the various guides in order to learn how the records were made and improve. Watch videos. Or just ask, most speedrunners will be glad to help you :D !

Don't be discouraged if you don't get times as good as the top records nor be shy to submit "horrible" times. As long as you keep trying, you will improve, and often be amazed (or amaze others) how better you are racing after some time! In the other hand, don't force yourself, it is understandable that one may not have enough time to perfect the skills. Just have fun!

We are looking forward to seeing your runs!

Alistair_Findlay, theodorepringle 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandFouks5 years ago

Following the Waxpro runs' rejections, maybe we should clarify the rules for the video submissions.

Personally I don't really have an issue with stuttering videos... Yeah, they appear cheap and all but it is very reasonable to assume that this person did not cheat by splicing, using TAS, or so... Broken rules (use Addons,...), proven cheating, technical submission problems (wrong or missing video, ...), or missing clips of several seconds, should be the only reasons to reject. And require quality videos will not even help to bust cheaters anyway...

Now if the consensus wants only high quality videos, we need to make that rule clear. But I would rather reject all ghost replays than just bad videos... I could just make an imperfect Oliver's Math Class TAS 59.742 and submit a non stuttering ghost replay then...

Andet 이것을 좋아함
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