
Currently,to see rejected runs are very limited,not all of the games are possible,it would be good to add a catrgory to see rejected speedrun,however its basically unranked as rejected speedruns are not listed,it only have 4 buttons,sort oldest(by default),sort by latest,soet by fastest time and sort by slowest time. Also add more ranks such as advanced moderators,which allows to ban someone from speedrunning for violating the rules too much,rejecting speedrun without reason needed and more

I wondered why is datapack not allowed,is it just like mods gives unfair advantages???

It would be the same as the verfied ones,but rejected,except they do have few category to sort Time Recent However unlike verified speedrun,there is no ranking as its denieded

Level 1-5 is allowed ik btw,is level 100 enchantments allowed? Or using commands to get enchantment level 1-5 is it allowed or not?

Read this before approving or rejecting the run,IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT To moderators: I really really need to use cape for speedrunjing,i hate no cape speedrunning,besides i always wanted to use cape mods to speed run,pls i want to use cape mods to speedrun,i need it,pls pls pls,i am very angry now,pls make itallowed,cause i really love cape so much but i dont have any,I would cry if you said no,besides I don't care if it is not allowed,I will still going to use it anyway,but pls DO NOT REJECT MY RUNS OR ELSE I WILL HATE YOU FOR DOING THAT Sincerely, Firecracker

What happens if i used capes mod in the speedrun,what would happen to my run?

Are there any speedruns that are denied for using cspe mods?if yes provide me some links to speedruns(examples)

Can you see other people's run(that is to say,the other peoples minecraft speedrun) that are denied/unverified/not verified/wont be verified

why not,its purely not an advantage mod,just a cosmetic,it doesnt change the gameplay or give you an advantage

Is it possible to appeal a rejected run?

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I love MLG and wear glasses + I am extremely rich+richest in fiction
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Minecraft: Java Edition
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