Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Youtube notifications are janky. Like I'll enable on all individual channels to give me ALL notifications, but sometimes I won't get all. I don't think I've EVER recieved a notification for a channel going live, but maybe there's a separate option for that, I don't know. I'll look into it.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Just out of pure curiousity, do you know how many pixels you have to get an edge skip? I think I remember you saying they can save UP TO 2 frames, and it sire looks like sometime you get a further boost than others, so it seems like you have a couple of pixels you can land on.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I think I vaguely remember that graphical glitch happening to me a long time ago, but maybe not, I don't know. Maybe we could replicate it by damaging ourselves, then entering a new room at the same time. Don't know if it would have any applications to anything though.

I wish I would get notifications on youtube when you go live. :/ I might just have to constantly check to see if anyone is live.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I saw that you did some test streams on youtube. I'll be on the lookout!

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I would love to see someone running this game! Care to plug your twitch?

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

On the topic of the t-rex fight, I got a 37 kill. :) I could've gotten a 38 if I didn't miss one of the last shots, but I think this is close to the limit with these strats.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

It's really hard to tell exactly how many hit each target takes, but it looks like they might not all have the same amount of health. Give or take a few shots...

Gun: ~30 Bombs: ~30 Engine: ~25 Missiles: ~20 Thing next to missiles: ~15 Dudes (4 total): ~3

Even with the video slowed down, it's difficult to count, but those numbers are about right.

Edit: I was actually wondering myself if enemies do more damage on harder difficulties, and I honestly don't know.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Wow, that T-Rex fight looks sick!

How much different do you think a hard mode tas might be (minus the final helicopter fight)? I know you mentioned that some kills would have to be slightly altered, but I think you could still be able to run through each encounter without slowing down like in the current tas, unless I'm missing something. I think the final time, up to the t-rex kill would be VERY close, like maybe no more than 3 seconds. You have better and more experience with this, so do you think that's a reasonable assumption?

It would definitely be cool to see a tas of the final helicopter kill. I can imagine that you'd be going for multiple targets on each cycle, alternating spamming diagonal up and diagonal down every frame. If done properly, I bet it could be killed on the 2nd cycle, which would be insane.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I'm starting to guess there might be a few frames of invincibility after a hit, which means we can't spam as fast as possible. It likely won't matter in real time, but we might have to space out our inputs for the tas, if that's the case.

But hey, sub 33 happened! \o/

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

You were absolutely right about being closer to the targets on the final boss. I can now get a steady stream of bullets fired.

Are you sure about when the t-rex dies? Because in this run, it had just started backing up when it died (40:00 is the timestamp). I think his roar when he explodes is simply his death roar, and not the roar during the cycles.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I'm getting ssome crafty ideas for the final boss kill. I think a 4th cycle kill is doable within a run (currently it's at a 6th cycle). On the first flyby, if I target the homing missiles, I could then destroy it on the 3rd cycle (only the homing missiles can be hit on the 3rd cycle). I could still destroy the nukes and the engine, or whatever is right next to the nukes, on the 2nd cycle. Then the 4th cycle, kill the thing right next to the homing missiles, then the dudes, then the turret, although the turret would be a tight kill, not to mention it's hitbox is pretty small. If I miss the 4th cycle kill, a good lineup for the fast flyby on the 5th cycle should be enough to kill the turret.

I wish I wasn't at work so I could play around with it. After tonight though, I'll be free again for a few days before going back to work.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Just curious, how are you going about adding these changes to the tas? Do you just play normally up until a specific level/specific load zone, and then just redo that section and splice it in to the current run? If so, is that what's causing desync? And does the desync happen on a completely different level that didn't have it's own route altered? Very strange if that's the case.

I had a feeling the heli kill might not save as much time for the tas, because I realized afterwards that in the real run, we have the heli fly back to the right side to give it as much screentime as possible. I take it nothing came of trying to damage the helicopter on it's first appearance in the middle of the level?

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

One thing that's been looming in the back of my mind, which I'm sure is possible to pull off...arbitrary code execution. Could it be possible somehow to write our own code and wrong warp to the end credits? I know these SNES games love to have their own versions of ACE, but my pea brain wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to even go about figuring out how to do that.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I've thought about it, but I don't think there is any other beneficial place to use the bazooka. You can use it on the triceratops, however it takes 5 seconds to go out of your way to get ammo. One bazooka shot = 4 shogun, tranq rocket shot, but I don't think it's worth it anyways because you can fire off your shots very quickly anyways.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

I tried killing the helicopter without killing the cage, but I actually don't think you can. Either way, in real time, it's actually quite difficult dodging the cage, and it's slow since you pretty much can't jump at all, or else you'd get hit by the cage. And yes, the bazooka only works on the cage, suprisingly.

On the first fly by, you can hit the helicopter, but I'd wager it's invincible at that point. If we're lucky, best case scenario is that the damage we apply to it there will carry over into the final fight. If you can damage it, then maybe a tas could kill it? If that's the case I have no idea what would happen, but I doubt it'd even happen in the first place, but it's worth a test, at least to see if damage carries over. For reference, (on hard) it takes 8 shotgun hits to kill the helicopter.

Also, hype for the sub-33!

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Hey uhh, I'm pretty sure I found a faster Helicopter kill that the tas

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

So this route may or may not be faster with tas strats in mind, but in a real time run, it's a lot easier to save a second with this route. The grenadier on the original route is tough to get by quickly, so that's why this route is faster. We'd have to time it with tas strats to see if it's faster with tas.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

This just in: it turns out you do, in fact, need to pick up the incubators. It was a long shot, but I was hoping the only checks the game was looking for was to go through the exit of each of the 5 rooms. But alas, you do need to collect the incubators. We just need to find a way to clip past the door and we'd be golden.

Edit: I've found a faster route on Incubators. Only 1 second though. Let me grab a clip, and I'm still looking for other possible routes.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

Interesting about the frame rules. You can skip EVERY bomb, but I'm pretty sure you'll need to pick up every incubator to unlock the door.....but maybe if we could bypass that door using a clip somehow...maybe that's a discovery waiting to be found.

Texas, USAFallenultima2 years ago

So I've just discovered something very silly, but is still a timesave, albeit a small one...on the bomb mission...you actually don't need to pick up any bombs to complete the mission. You just have to get to the end. So that's only a couple of frames saved, but now that potentially opens up the idea of a new route, as long as it reaches the end. I'm looking around right now to see if I can find a potential new route, but in the meantime, it looks like we can make the tas a couple of frames faster, lol :p

Edit: Okay so it turns out this level is actually very linear. The few alternate paths only lead to a dead end, with maybe some ammo or health, but you'd still need to back track to get back on the regular path. Man, as a kid, I remember getting lost way more on this level.

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