FLUSHI22 years ago


, goxaviergo, 그리고 StrangeSeat 이것을 좋아함
FLUSHI22 years ago

nice one! however im inside your walls

StrangeSeat, Ostin8293 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
FLUSHI22 years ago

Any% MS is a category in Any% because there are multiple, there is Any% Classic, and Any% NMS (No Mission Skip) Here i will try to tell you about all the categories

Any% MS (Mission Skip) you can use the mission skip feature of the game, any endings can be choosen, can use taxies (but the fastest is to kill Trevor so the A ending)

Any% NMS (No Mission Skip) You can't use the mission skip (but the fastest is the B to kill michael) feature of the game, can use taxies, any endings can be choosen Any% Classic You can't use the mission skip feature of the game, can't use taxies and must choose the C ending of the game

100%-MS need 100% completion of the game, can use taxies and can use the mission skip feature, any endings can be choosen

100%-NMS can use taxies, can't use the mission skip feature of the game, need 100% completion of the game, any endings can bee choosen

100%-Classic can't use taxies, can't use the mission skip feature, need 100% completion of the game, and C ending must be choosen

All Missions Need to complete all Strangers and Freaks, and the story

Segments are just different part of the game. Hope this Helps

goxaviergo, JJA, 그리고 Yamil_4x 이것을 좋아함
FLUSHI22 years ago

Maybe to the category extension.... but i don't think it would really fit there too

BurntRL 그리고 StrangeSeat 이것을 좋아함
FLUSHI22 years ago

i know, its a pain playing in windowed borderless

ieatpigeonss 이것을 좋아함
FLUSHI22 years ago

Get a second monitor. Thats the only other solution, sadly

goxaviergo 그리고 ieatpigeonss 이것을 좋아함
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