Now that postgame content was added, the rules around 100% (mainly "Time ends after killing The One Who Waits") are out of date.
The guide about 100% is also out of date but that's less important.
Any mods wanna fix the rules to give a better idea of how to go about 100% speedrunning CotL.
I was 8 hours into a Extra Hard speedrun when I realized I had no clue how to get everything and had to drop the run 💀💀💀
Leapig 이것을 좋아함
are there set splits for a run? eg do i have to time by bosses, or levels. not sure if this applies to different games but theres nothing that says what your splits have to be
2 중에 1에서 2까지 보여줌
Exotic_Chad에 대해서
we do a little bit of speedrunning (youtube.com/@ExoticChad)
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