I’m still planning to run this game more often now. I just don’t know when that’ll happen unfortunately because everyone thinks this game is dead, but to me at least it’s not.
Hello there! I was wondering what has been going on with the decision of moderating my own series as I just submitted the series request about 2 weeks ago. I’m very concerned about this because I don’t think it’ll ever be put onto SRC as an actual series, unfortunately(Probably because I included a playlist of the videos of the games in my series). Anyways, I’m just concerned about it because if it surpasses 2 weeks, then it most likely will be forgotten about, which means I’ll probably delete it. My series is Hasbro Family Game Night, and I’m not sure if the moderators are ok with putting in a new series at this time. Hopefully I can receive some feedback from this post and if my series is rejected, then I will understand that decision, but only with a detailed explanation.
Wow...that’s very interesting. I might look into that glitch soon.
If you guys ever look at this game, and you’re thinking that we need new categories for this game, let me your thoughts so me and the mods can consider thinking about adding those categories!
Yeah, maybe when I compete at Rogue-a-Rama:RNG-a-thon 2020 in 2 weeks!
I’m going to do a marathon run for Board Game Island for RogueHQ’s Rogue-a-Rama:RNG-a-thon 2020. I was hoping the moderators of this game would like to add a “Marathon Runs” category, so for future runs during marathons of any category can submit their type of runs to this certain category. No one really has to add this category, but in my opinion, it’ll be fun for some people to submit their marathon runs of this game to the category!
I’m sorry you didn’t get to join. You can still have a lot of fun watching us though!
Someone can attempt it for the first time, but it would take like 10 hours for me to do that
I just found this glitch with the marine bike, but it doesn't help with speedrunning.