Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise10 months ago

Retimed to 16:29

Dragowiz 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise1 year ago

I can’t actually find anything in the rules saying a run must be submitted themselves, as long as it’s attributed to the actual runner (they would need a src account).

If you can also link their src account it’s a possibility. But in general I’m not into the idea of submitting runs for other users and would recommend reaching out to the user themselves first.

Gerarge, Bronkel 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise2 years ago

I agree with Bronkel here, and there's possible spawning issues like the bats in 'be prepared' you would have to think about. Saying that, if you wanted to show a completed run of it and if there's a few people who would show intent of running we could go from there.

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise2 years ago

Hi, yeah I agree that it would be a pretty empty category at the moment unless there’s a few more people that show some interest in running it. We’ve been needing to do some more testing with DCG to see what the potential time differences could be with the main game. I’ll try get some videos made this week then we can see if a merge could be a possibility. Think it would be better to keep DCG category’s consistent regarding mixing. Once I get some recordings I’ll post in the discord to discuss.

Retroprinz 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise2 years ago

Should come back and get a sub 14

Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

All runs including obsolete times have now been moved to the main board. The Category Extensions board will now be emptied and removed. The following pic is for historical purposes showing the contents before removal. https://imgur.com/a/6n9gbcH

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

The final results where as followed...

  1. Would you like to open up the main leader board to add the current 'category extensions' under a miscellaneous tab? YES = 10 Votes NO = 2 Votes

  2. Would you like the 'Normal%' category on the main leader board? (Else it will be kept in misc.) YES = 10 Votes NO = 2 Votes

With the majority voting 'Yes' on both issues, we will merge the category extension board with the main board, with all categories except 'Normal Any%' going under the Misc. Tab. Thanks for everybody's input.

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Hello, we have started a vote which will determine whether we combine the lion king ‘category extensions’ and the 'main' board together.

If you would like to be part of this vote and share your opinion, please join the lion king discord server and cast your vote. https://discord.gg/3NY9xd9Ktk

Once voting has concluded I will update this post with results and any further details.

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Hello all, I agree we should have multiple mods so we don’t have similar issues as we’ve had in the past. While @SBDWolf hasn’t been around for a long time the impact he has made on the game with new WR’s, sharing his optimizations and active communication in such a short amount of time I believe he is a good candidate. I will also put myself up for consideration as one of the current mods of cat extensions and fellow passionate Lion King'er.

On a side note, I believe this will also be a good time to revaluate our board and the separated category extensions. There are so many reasons to combine these boards, the main one being that after over a year since it was added I’ve spoken to a lot of new runners and the existence of that board is virtually unknown, and with the new site redesign it’s even more hidden.

I also don’t think the game is large enough to warrant a separate page when the main only has 2 categories at the moment which with the inclusion of the others will also make show that our community is more active (plus this is the general point of the misc. tabs). With more active mods and with how close the Lion King community is I think this would be a great step to take and be discussed. Personally, I would like the see Easy-Normal-Difficult as main tabs and the remainder of the category’s included in Misc. This would make a great poll if we have a multitude of opinions.

SaveTheWorld_JG, Sarabi 그리고 5 기타 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Pretty Pretty Pretty Good, but you could do better... :D

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

This Post is to Document the history of the once LK speedrunning category "No Exploits"

June 28th 2020 - The First Run was uploaded by insomnimatic setting WR at 17:02 June 29th 2020 - WR beaten by Stormy with 16:00 December 28th 2020 - WR beaten by Bronkel with 15:41 March 14th 2021 - WR beaten by PlayingWithDick with 15:08 September 13th 2021 - Category retired from speedrunning board and to be replaced with the community agreed upon "No Major Clips (NMC)" category with a revised ruleset.

1st PlayingWithDick 15m 08s 2nd Bronkel 15m 41s 3rd Stormy 16m 00s 4th capnredbeard 16m 24s 5th Insomnimatic 16m 41s 6th SaveTheWorld_JG 17m 37s 7th al_turds 17m 41s 8th Estacaco 35m 16s

Category Rules: All of the exploits and tricks listed below are banned from this category.

Pridelands: Health bug rock jump (Due to this not being the intended path).

Can't Wait: Super Jump. Jumping from giraffe's head that leads to last monkey puzzle.

Elephant Graveyard: Jumping through the bone wall you normally have to roll through.

Exile: Any clipping downward through the ground which includes Exile skips 1 and 2 / 2.1. Throughout the adult Simba stages, swipe jumping, specifically to gain height advantage or to skip ledges, is not permitted.

Simba's Destiny: Leopard spawner skip. Boulder skip (Due to this not being the intended path / includes swipe jumping to gain height advantage).

Be Prepared: Leopard throw skip to end of level.

Return to Pride Rock: Scar skips.

Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Sounds good. I'm sure we could come to up with a different rule-set if we worked on it but I did a test run of No Major Clips (dying in be prepared and quitting) and not having to worry about the littler things did make it go smoothly. If NMC does pass, I don't think having No exploits as strict as it currently is would be as bad of a thing. Just gives the option of playing 'be prepared' in a similar run to any% or playing the whole game in more restrictive way.

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

With the outcome of how RNG is handled I'm all for it, makes runs go a bit quicker. Runners can still do soft/hard resets themselves if they want the console experience.

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

A controversial topic since the beginning... They we're discussed through the discord where we talked about what should and shouldn't be allowed, it turned into a debate on the developers intended path/no clips/random opinions. My main objection to current rule set is how convoluted it is and I believe that's one of the main reasons there's no active runners. These rules would need to be different enough to warrant an overhaul but everyone I've talked to previously including the current WR holder (before the stuff) has indicated they would be up for a change up.

Option 1 - Adjust Current Rules We'll have a another discussion and try come up with a more agreeable and in my opinion the most important thing a more 'friendly' run without so many reset points. The biggest issue people seem to have is the ledge swiping, I think if we take that rule out but still point out banned functions such as boulder skip it would create more enjoyable runs.

Option 2 (My preferred choice for simplicity) - New category "No Major Clips" (My original post was to say change the main ruleset simply to this, which I'd also be for.) RULES

  • No floor clips in Exile
  • No clip in Be Prepared
Insomnimatics 그리고 SaveTheWorld_JG 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Moddy Mod mods, I agree with old me, can we revisit.

I would propose to only show milliseconds if times are equal, we only have 1 tied time now but previously Bronkel and I where tied for WR which technically should have been his. We where talking about this before hand but nothing got finalized. Also its come to my attention that if someone ties/doesn't move up a place it can discourage them from not submitting. So I think it would be good to add to the rules something along the lines "If an uploaded run ties with a current run, mods will retime both runs to milliseconds, If I run later moves up the solo time will be converted back to seconds" (but written better)

SaveTheWorld_JG 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Hello, it's me. This has been a really long time. Seems like overall everybody seemed up for the inclusion of milliseconds on tied runs at least? Moddy mod mods wanna discuss or something to conclude?

SaveTheWorld_JG 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Hello, it's me.

I can't see myself running this in the very near future but it has enough support to be created. I still support my original comment regarding splits else it would be to quick to be able to confirm the grab. Maybe the mods can discuss the rule set and create the category?

Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise3 years ago

Hello, its me. I guess we can close this off? Over 2 months of discussion, coming up to 6 weeks of voting.

By unanimous decision... boards stay combined and the introduction of banning use of Emulators that do not / can not use the Gen Plus GX or Blast Em' Core.

Would a/the mods like to adjust the rules and conclude this?

ZeldasKitten 이것을 좋아함
Victoria, AustraliaDickInDisguise4 years ago

When 'exploitless' was first brought up in the discord the rules where all discussed openly and in my perspective, I always thought of it as a mix of glitchless=intended path from the point of view of the developers. We knew the rules where a little grey in places, like when we discussed the monkey fight, they did program the monkey to have a fight pattern but on genesis the opening to jump on him straight away when he sits is so large that even blind players were doing it. Which is why ultimately it was left like that. Just for a catch up for how it came to be like that.

I do agree it may have been all over thought. The restarts in making a small mistake out of habit in a way that doesn't really affect game play is a little harsh, but that was kind of the idea as an "intended path" type thing. I actually really like the idea from 8BitsOfJoy to simplify it to only the exile skips/be prepared skip. With the category simpler it would probably encourage more players and focus on the main differences of the category which arguably playing ‘be prepared’ is the only reason it exists.

I still see it as a big enough difference obviously to be deserving of a category and I'm open to a bunch of new ideas to be in misc. (alldifficultys/allbugs/damageless) as that’s what the misc. tab is for, just doing something different/fun from the main speed run strats. I still don't see it as being considered a main category by any stretch. When we had the big SNES board discussions I couldn't convince people Normal% was deserving of a main spot, different board of course but the idea of other categories becoming main extensions wasn’t even brought up as a consideration.

Definitely deserving of a vote with such mixed opinions, it's good to see.

SaveTheWorld_JG 그리고 Sarabi 이것을 좋아함
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