I'm against this. Firstly because TLK (snes) is a small game with a small community, i think one leaderboard is enough and more would just confuse and divide more than anything else Secondly because it raises a few questions : Who are going to be the moderators? Why them? Why have 3 moderators for misc categories and 1 moderator for main categories?
Here's my thoughts on the subject : https://framabin.org/p/?f24c55f644409e38#o5343dXL239FfRKHu2TYOJk5UFxuDHZ9FoWEK6mNYI8=
Hi, it's just hypothetical but I was thinking of speedrunning Pokémon Green (since it's the one I have), but there is no longer Pokémon Red/Green on speedrun.com, so will it come back or is there another leaderboard? Also I don't know where to look for Pokémon Green speedrun guides c: Thanks for reading.