United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I'm hoping to get more opinions on this before I start really running Cold Darkness. The initial loading takes over a minute on XBO, so either we can time from when that completes (screen goes black) or we can reload checkpoint after everything is loaded in and first cutscene is skipped (takes a few seconds). Also, for submitted vids we will need the difficulty shown, which can be from the main menu before starting that minute long loading, or it can be viewed in the options menu before loading last checkpoint. Since we are going with RTA anyway, my vote is on the load last checkpoint. it puts you in the same location and everything. the only difference is Nadia's dialogue, so it doesnt change gameplay. Ending is easy with the cutscene start for the final jump.

There are glitched and glitchless categories. the only glitch currently known is clipping the metal barriers so you dont need to salvage magnesite ore. Hopefully some more will pop up, and I'm honestly tempted to run both when that happens

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

yup, unless there is a desire to add in Survivor difficulty later. also, timing start might be when the loading ends? it's a really long loading screen (at least on XBO). So start at the cutscene and end at the cutscene start for the chopper jump?

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

The latest DLC released this Tuesday is definitely speed runnable. Right now it is very RNG based due to Nadia's instructions and possible mess ups (by Nadia). You can clip in through the metal barriers so no need to grab 4 magnesite ore. Aside from that, I cant find any skips because of the layout of the area. The devs say 50 minutes is a par time, and there are speedrun challenges to do it in 40, 30, and 20 minutes. My first play was 33 minutes, and my current fastest is 13:20. It would not surprise me if sub 10 is possible. Also, since you may need to pause to verify Nadia's instructions, I vote for RTA only and not IGT. Any thoughts on running this mode and adding it to the leaderboard? I'm totally down for it.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Consoles should be consistent for loading, so this would apply to PC runs only. there are a few minutes of loading throughout the run, so it will create a difference on PC runs. It was agreed upon in the SDA forums, but yeah, it disappeared. seems weird to me, but thought i'd post something just in case.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

There has been a discussion about load removal for PC runs. I thought people were for it, but it just disappeared... so are we adding that for PC runs? maybe have a column for with and without loads?

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

There hasnt really been a lot of activity to warrant more mods i'd think, but I'm sure if Doppie feels overwhelmed he'll add more mods to join him

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I am also fine with all as Tomb Raider as well. the vote was my initial reaction/thought

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Patch 3 went live on the 22nd of January in prep for the Campaign DLC and included a handful of stuff. There's no patch notes about this (they never mentioned the Narnia skip patch in Patch 2 either), but I also experienced the same issue. what I do now is the same route, but headshot the guy that sees you, then turn and headshot the next guy that you normally stealth.

I think skills can match the Glitched run. General thoughts are: Lightfoot at the first camp, then thick skinned after the AR, maybe the ammo retrieval somewhere, then the camp before atlas you should have enough to get tier 2 unlocked to get the explosive expert (I think? I forgot its' name) to increase your crafted items blast radius. Also more resources looted will be good for specialty arrows (poison arrows are totally your friend).

KeronianKnight 이것을 좋아함
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Being around since the beginning of TR2013 speedrunning, I actually didn't know that normal was chosen because of auto-aim. My first 4 hour run was done on Easy, but after maybe one more run I was on normal, finishing still over 3 hours. at this point it seemed everyone was on normal, so it stuck as far as I know.

there are several sections that auto aim would get in the way, although I can see us getting used to it as well. There is also the possibility that we find more skips to where that wouldn't matter. but in terms of where adventurer would give a speed advantage, I honestly can only think of 2-3 sections that it "might", and if they go perfectly in a run, it wouldnt matter. although the fight before you get the grapple swing ability, auto-aim could help there so you can shot enemies off the ropes (just a theory, haven't tested it). So in the end, yeah Adventurer could give an advantage, but it isn't that much, especially comparing top runs, in my opinion anyway. I'm willing to yield if there is a better argument for Adventurer then that. I am also okay with PC being adventurer and console on tomb raider since they seem to be different runs anyway (that really pisses me off, but I'll save it for another day)

There's also the option to just leave difficulty open to whatever you want, but my thought is that we should be on the same difficulty, especially if a Survivor category is made eventually.

In the end, Normal was the standard and that's how me and Elajjaz approached this game in November to keep it the same. Personally I'd like to keep it this way unless there is a huge advantage to playing on Adventurer. but right now it seems to be very small if anything.

idk about glitchless though. My thought's there would be hoarding resources until you really needed them, which makes it OHKO for the most part. but I really dont know.

Category vote (if you want my vote) Console glitched - Tomb Raider Console Glitchless - Adventurer as the norm, but Tomb Raider runs allowed PC Glitched - Tomb Raider PC Glitchless - Adventurer

KeronianKnight 이것을 좋아함
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

found this in the patch 3 notes. anyone know what it is about?

"Prevented the player from getting out of world in the Soviet Installation near a rope barrier."

NOTE: all current speed run stuff still works, including the Copper Mill OoB that no one uses

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I was planning on nabbing the collection disc with both games and maybe running them. from the looks of it, it doesn't matter what console I go with? basically, what controller do I like better?

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

ugh, that final clip as far as I can tell is not possible on XBO :( some notes on it for those that want to test things though. Using time stamps in Blue's vid, at 0:50 you HAVE to stand there, even on XBO, it reloads part of the area and makes it solid. The jump at 1:05 goes over a gap that you can fall to your death, just jump as soon as you make it to the wall and the gap is very easy to jump over, no risk at all.

and too bad the other doesnt work on X360. but my theory is the loading trigger is glitched out, and those are different on each console. I wonder how PC will handle things.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I was sent a video via twitter. This has some potential. hopefully we can find 2 things, a use for it here (possibly skip fire arrows actually) and find it elsewhere. I'm looking into it now, but Happy Hunting everyone.

EDIT: confirmed this can skip Fire Arrows and Shotgun based on location you warp to. need to test it in campaign first though.

So after testing this in the main game, I can confirm this glitch just gives you super sonic speeds and actually wraps you around the map, and it's where you stop that determines where you end up. The only thing I can see that actually stops you is if you grab a ledge or happen to jump on solid ground. I still cant figure out a way to make it consistent though, but if you manage to get into the shotgun area, go back into the water, then turn around again and the cutscene will play. AKA fire arrow skip!

So far it looks like if you skip BOTH fire arrows and shotgun, the game softlocks, but not until the end of the Acropolis! like a LONG way up

Here's the Fire Arrow Skip

Doppie 그리고 SamuraiBlue 이것을 좋아함
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

no worries Doppie, I understand where you are coming from. Version differences are really going to suck when the other 2 are released. I'm REALLY hoping they arent much different, though. TR2013 is a mess when it comes to version differences. every version is different. PS3 and X360 are the closest.

I do vote for Tomb Raider being the standard for glitched runs at least. After playing through Survivor, there is a bit more of a difficulty spike compared to TR2013, but idk if it'll be worth it for a separate category.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Good find! yeah it's possible on XBO but REALLY weird as there are 2 objects you have to clip at the same time. There's the door, then the wall/second door behind the door. Just make sure you do a full 180 rotation to clip everything, but I'm adding it to my runs now!

EDIT - That saves 30 seconds

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Hey guys, I wanted to present my thoughts on personalizing this game's leaderboard, and I'm curious as to your thoughts as well. If the way it is presented now works for everyone, then that's fine and we can ignore this post.

Glitches Yes/No - if Glitchless is a desired category, why not a separate category rather than an option inside of any%? The glitches we have should be 30 minutes faster than glitchess, so having a separate category would give glitchless runs more shine, and let (currently) Ragleyy have 1st rather than 4th.

Game versions as separate categories - Im very sad to see differences between XBO and X360, but once PC launches, and later PS4, Im sure there will be more version differences. Here are a list of differences I've noticed between XBO and X360 for the runs -After the Prophets Tomb at the start of the game, there is a cutscene at the Croft Manor where Lara gets into a fight. X360 can skip this cutscene earlier than XBO. -After getting the pistol, X360 can clip the door, eliminating the need to reload the checkpoint. -The first cutscene after passing through the Supply Shack is not skippable on the X360 -the next few cutscenes are not skippable? (Someone on X360 confirm this for me, please) but if you exit to main menu and reload, they are now skippable. All are skippable on XBO -Copper Mill, at the end, you can clip past the final 5 enemies on X360 -The first half of the Prophet's Blessing can be skipped on X360, but the final clip needed for it is not possible on XBO -After obtaining the Shotgun, you can clip out of the fight and skip the miniboss and a handful of cutscenes on X360 -Enemy Patterns are different during the Silent Night sequence, aka less enemies on X360 -Atlas skip only possible on X360 -Research Base approach OoB as far as I can tell is X360 only

Difficulty - The difficulty used for TR2013 was Normal. We never did a run on any other difficulty. Should we establish that Normal (Tomb Raider) is the standard? Survivor does have a nice difficulty to it, but is not really that bad, so perhaps a category for that as well?

Timing - I agree with the timing as it is; Selecting Difficulty to the cutscene starting after going through the doors at the end. Does someone have another idea?

KeronianKnight 그리고 Ragleyy 이것을 좋아함
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Hey guys, I've got a run pending that includes the majority of the skips found so you can check that out. also, looks like the X360 and XBO are going to be different categories unless we can find another method for clipping doors on XBO. Theoretically, the X360 version is faster, but I dont know what loading is like or where you can skip cutscenes on the 360.

A note for new glitch finders that are looking for ideas and may not be aware, check out the glitches from TR2013. This game is on the same engine, so theoretically all of that tech should still be possible.

United StatesBrassmaster9 years ago

I too thought the rules were kind of weird. All the things that can be affected by other characters/files like the stash and craftable item unlocks make sense to not be able to use them for NG runs. but why cant followers be used? also it seems odd to have timer rules about pausing the timer. last i knew you should never pause the timer in runs. only reason a timer should be paused (which I can see this going both ways) is if an unexpected crash/hardlock occurs. and my last thought is on difficulty. so what if someone wants to raise the difficulty later. as far as I know it really isnt worth it for speed, but so what if someone wants an EXP boost, it's something you can do on your first play.

United StatesBrassmaster9 years ago

Any reason there arent categories for console (or what has been called the "low FPS" route), definitive edition, or 100%?

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