SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

I banned you because you accused me without providing any proof. All i saw there was someone being salty of never breaking into the top5. All proof that your accusation was based on, was/is hidden in 327s discord. I banned 327 because i knew he was at least part of it, but turns out he is the driving force behind it. Banning Meow i actually regret, i liked that guy but it really looked this comes from all 3 of you and you were just the messenger. I wouldnt say we were close before and i wasnt friends with 327, kind of indifferent to him. So i really see no reason why i shouldnt ban you guys if i want nothing to do with you. Meow was caught in the crossfire

As for velas runs, i guess im obviously a bit biased here. I see a runner that accuses me of cheating, that gets suddenly a lot faster without applying anything i would consider needed to do such a thing. The only (indirect) interaction we have is 2-5 of your communitymembers per month coming in my stream and insulting me for the last 10 months. So yeah, i look at them from a very critical point of view. Also didnt help that literally the first situation i looked into is that underground passage stuff where eyes go up, matching human reaction speed into of when a MH would reveal it into a pathing change i wouldnt do that led to 4 extrapacks But i look at it from my present knowledge and not from where we come from. I for one have never really embraced IGT back in LoD, so strats like forcing XP shrines and lvling setups probably have more power than i give it credit for. I wont apologize for bringing my suspicions up, but agree that i dont prove anything here.

327: As for understanding math: We can literally calculate the odds using discrete mathematics. You argue with extremely small handpicked samplesizes with functions that really just get better the more data you have. My 2 PB runs i mentioned earlier for example add 58 runs with 1 Io. According to https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~mbognar/applets/pois.html with 58+45 = 103, leading to lamda = 4.07, the odds turn for that turn to 0.2259 for 6+ Ios. And thats just for adding 2 finished runs. Not sure when exactly diablo.run became a thing and if it has filtering features that allow that, but if filtering my profile for "lvlrange 30-40, necro + barb" was possible, we would see a lot of runs that didnt make it past that point.

Amns: Your estimation is wrong by a factor of ~25. You deliberatly leave out data to make it seem more extreme. you use 2 Amn out of 9Runs, a subset of what i actually did, which is 2 Amn out of ~16-18 with 24% itemfind. Yes it was frontloaded, but frontloaded event is a part of the odds for 2 out 16-18

The way you math is just straight up designed to slander my reputation. And you seem to have great success with it

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

Well its obvious that theres no reason to spend time arguing with you. First of all, handpicking your sample is a no-go if you argue with statistics. That barbrun isnt the only time i tried travstrats, but just showing the time where the runedrops happen fits your story better. Even cutting out 60% of the drops to make it look more extreme.

Same for the countess in that necroweek. I get 4 runs to countess, so on average (if your 45 are correct), i do 11.25 countessruns per run. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=%2811+choose+0%29+*+%281%2F26%29%5E0+*+%281-1%2F26%29%5E11 Thats the probability of not dropping an IO so 1- this = odds of having at least an IO within that amount of tries. -> roughly 35%. Its not that insane to have 4 runs started with an average of 11 runs each. On the luckier side sure, but once again you choose this week because it was lucky and only this week because it fits your story. For example we could add in my hell hc barb pb, 30 countessruns, 0 Ios. or the 28 for 1 on my sc necro pb (and these are pb runs, not even thrown away because it never happened runs).

TLDR: Your data is biased and at least in terms of barb completely wrong. That one is close to 1:1500 - 1:2000. Very far from 1:50000

Back when you told me about recording my runs, we ended that conversation with you saying: "Looks like I focus on your runs, when you try to beat other russians runners and at this parts you get some luck". I assume in your mind im sort of nazi thats out there to get you guys. If you spread that in your discord, i guess it makes sense that Vela calls my accusations "ethnic discrimination" But thats really only in your head, i actually learned russian for about 3 years, like russian music and have no problem with russian individuals (= leaving out the political situation here). I only went after "russian" new records, because i like a challenge in terms of beating records and at that time it was really only vela, meow, mekalb and to some extend indrek that were setting new hell times to beat.

MoJlodosTb 그리고 Indrek 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

im not asking you to explain me a cointoss, just give us the information what formula you used to come up with impossible.

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

Wait you leave out the farming from 24-24.5 from that travsection for your math? Interesting approach at statistics. 9, 11 or 18 runs is quite a difference. Guess ill have to check your countess video aswell to see if you rigged something to fit your story there aswell

Im not sure where i ended this barbrun, but we can see in your video: lvl 23->24.5 is 423k XP or 121 councilmembers -> 17.26 runs. Now if we consider the 24% item find chance due to my helm, i generated probably close to 150 drops. 63 Snapshot to fit the narrative of 140-150 total? Almost like you try to frame me or something.

"Edit #2: 2 amn, 1 thul, 1 ort from 9 attempts is not 5%, its not 0.000001%, its impossible, you can spend your life with travincal farm, and you will never get that drop with 9 attemps. "

Maybe we have someone in here with proper mathskills that can do it a 100% correctly, but the way i see it, all of these drops are very close to independent events, so i will use that as a rough estimate. (with the only exception that one positive outcome blocks 1 roll for another so up to 3 slots are blocked out of roughly 350)

For independent events: "When we’re working with independent events, we can calculate the probability occurring together by multiplying the respective probabilities of the events occurring individually."

Ort at Trav: 1:272 = 0.367% Thul: 1:409 = 0.244% Amn: 1:1218 = 0.082%

So we are looking for P(Ort)P(Thul)P(2 Amn) where each of these are the odds of getting the drop within a 140 rolls. Not sure if i should, but its late, so ill trust the 0.54% for least 2 amns. Chance for at least 1 Ort in 140 Rolls is 40%, for thul its 29%. -> = 0.0006264 or 1:1596

Please tell me what kind of math leads to impossible. You rigged the samplesize, that changes things a bit, but this is so incredibly far off impossible.

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

Oh i dont think you are cheating. What i said is that you slander my name by spreading your theories about me cheating in your discord and probably on your stream for over a year

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

(i didnt check your math, just gonna assume your math is correct and the 1-3% is true. And while your discord is your place, you still make a public statement that forms opinions in other people minds, but lets not go there. Not really relevant to the topic)

As i told you back then, prior to this when i tried to go for this record, i had the complete opposite, but you didnt record those, so we cant see where i land in total.

While hitting a 1-3% spread sounds insane, these low odds are very common if you look at things happening in D2. For example in our recent P8 Necro race, i started of my countess farming with two eld-runes. On P8, the odds for 2/2 Eld is 1:500. But not in my favour, so i guess it doesnt count towards my luck right?

Some other things that have similar low odds, but we have seen happening:

  • Razorswitch from Diablo, P1, 0 MF. According to Maxroll, thats a 1:637 drop. You had it, i dont know how many tries on sorc it took you before it happened. If it was 10, the odds are 1.56% of that happening. If it was 20, its 3%
  • Getting both 20RW Imbue and a first try telestaff. Imbue Odds are 1:5, Telestaff is 1:172 (at ilvl25) with roughly 10 per Ormus. 1 TP staff occuring out of 10 tries leads to odds of 5.6%. Hitting both Imbue and first try TP is a 1.12%. I dont keep track of that, but i think we both agree that we have seen these combinations happen a few times. Same as first try arcane into first try TP staff, similar odds
  • What were the odds for first try Tal+Eth, 5%? We see those happening.

Not arguing that 5 IO in 45 Runs isnt lucky, but all of us hit 1-3% odds often enough. And as i said, you snapshot the lucky part but didnt consider the unlucky part where i just stopped playing that category for half a year because i just couldnt get the drops

As for the barb, i tried out trav but i assume didnt like it due to worse XP. Since its all done on the same seed, i wouldnt overvalue these drop-odds since seed is an influence held consistant here. (Ask the grailers, some seeds are very generous with sacred armors or diadems, beating the odds by a mile while other similar rare bases just never drop) Not sure what my runegoal there was and how exactly travminions work dropwise, but getting several runes from that amount of kills isnt unexpected

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

Is it childish to put accusations in the open? Go try to do what he does in the first macro related video i linked, i highly doubt any of us can replicate that within 1.4s once, let alone every single time with the concentrationlvl of "ill read chat during it". I am 100% certain this isnt done without a tool assisting him

Maybe im wrong about Maphack, maybe not. At least i bring evidence you can defend against instead of just accusing without providing any additional point. My name is being slandered by Vela and i guess 327 for over a year now, while one of them is playing in a very questionable way.

SwitzerlandBender_2 years ago

Your accusations to me: All you offered was that my best hellruns have good gear and that i found sanders twice in a week if i remember correctly. What do you want the mods to do with that? Provide a concrete trace and im sure they are willing to look into it. Thanks to you i keep getting russian first time chatters in my stream, calling me a cheater for the past year, yet you have absolutely nothing to offer as proof. If anybody should apologize its you

TurboHud:"Why do I use it? Because I had lost any respect for Blizzard as a company."

You loose respect for them and then start to cheat? So lets say roughly a year ago you lost respect for us and all your runs ever since are half an hour faster... You get salty because you lost every competition, accuse me and all of a sudden you are way faster without applying any of the newer found knowledge... not sure that explanation makes you less suspicous

Makro accusation: Look at the normal segments of his runs, whenever he shops+resets or checks shrines, 95% of the time you wont see the mainmenu. Possible to do, sure, i just doubt the consistency. Same for 100% swapcast accuracy in kombination with 8hour+ streams. If you are a heartsurgeon in real life i could see that happen (took me 2minutes to find bokser messing his swapcast up in his hell palarun btw). i believe in 90-95% consistency, but not 100% The same goes for swapping and casting skills during the loading screen. By itself not that hard. But can you exit, move the mouse to the right position, click at the right time to not see the mainmenu, click enter and then do it within ~1.4 seconds? A 100% of the time when you try? Vela can. Theres a faster one i cant find anymore, roughly 1.2, but this gives you an idea.

So yeah, in my opinion there are 100% scripts involved. As comparison during the jaillvling for the normal runs (P1), the mainmenu trick in indreks run is roughly at 40% happening, Bokser at 70-75%. And there you have multiple seconds and you dont perform the 2nd half. The combination of both with a keycombo of Esc -> Enter -> V without ever failing is hard to believe

Maphack: Here is vela looking at skills: Here is him shopping: (note where he looks when reading top line items) Compare that to

Thats more "shelf-lvl above Monitor"-higher in my opinion than the comparisons i showed, but who knows. Also theres no information to be gained in travincal if thats just the top middle of his gamescreen, so why stare there?

Now if you look at earlier in the underground of the same run, he crosses a loading zone Border (thats needed for MH to display stuff), within a second he looks up and changes what he is doing and drags 3 other bossgroups into the fight

He usually doesnt use it to find the right way, but to get more XP. But theres also plays like this, that at least leave a Questionmark: Explores a direction, dies in a room that looks like it should connect in the right direction, but instead of exploring that takes a completely different direction that leads to duriel

So yeah, the timeline of his improvements, hard to believe consistency, comparing where he looks at which doesnt add up... not sure its enough as proof proof, but enough to be deeply considered in my opinion

PS: I wont have time to go deeper into this until at least tomorrow evening, so please be patient if you want to see anything

LuckyLuciano_6 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

worked for me

i guess you cant if you havent already downloaded the PTR, but if its on your PC the extract works

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

i guess if teo is willing to play until 5am i can go until 4am ;)

I assume 2.3 was the plan but wouldnt mind 2.4 either

/e now that i think on it, 2.4 would be great

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

Not sure if im in, 2 things:

  • Date: "12/05/2022 (12th of March)" March or May?
  • Pastebin links to a loginpage?
Slivenius 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

Yeah right, write "Communitydon'tbeblind" under that text and its not an accussation. You are just passive-aggressive about it, but everyone that reads what you wrote knows its an accusation and i have a right to defend myself.

I don`t cheat.

Regarding the Hell HC P1 Pala: Literally every single attempt that reached NM was 10 minutes ahead by mid nightmare-early hell. This one got carried a bit by Viper yes and was otherwise on the weak end, but i didnt need a viper to beat llamas time. This one was just the run that lived

Regarding Necro: I stopped doing runs because I just couldnt get Dol+Io in a reasonable amount of time for over I dont know how many runs. Yes my luck on that later necrogrind was insane, but do you want me to throw away runs because I get them too quick? I dont think my necroluck was insane if you look at the entire grind, not just that one week. Theres also opposite cases, like my hell barb where I literally spent 90 minutes in act1 nm, but i guess that doesnt fit the narrative

I play a lot. Sometimes i have weeks where a lot of runs work out, sometimes i have weeks where nothing works out (but i guess those arent worth mentioning here, right?). Thats how RNG sometimes is.

SouthernStar 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

I spent close to 60-70 hours on that hell competition, majority of the time in areas where sanders can drop. Have you? No? I`m really annoyed by people looking only at the good things that happens to me and act like that stuff never happens for anybody else and ignore the grind that is behind it.

Amazonweek for example. Up to my final submission, i never had more than one chipped ruby by the time i reached arcane, never firstwayd either. Always screwed in CS. In Barbweek I think i had 3 middlesewers in a row. People recognize that? No Bender is suspiciously lucky. Always.

Also Sanders are overrated for hellruns. Compared to 20 R/W (which you can force easily either with gambling or act1 NM shop), you move 6% faster. Thats maybe 1-2 minutes per difficulty. https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Faster_Run_Walk (Understand the formula, compare 65% to 45%). The big thing would be 20RW from Andy/pre stealth, there you`d gain 11% over 0 R/W on some of the longest segments of the run. That hasnt happened once for me during the entire competition if i remember correctly

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

regarding -direct -txt:

After the update to 2.3 my direct-txt shortcut would just not load / crash on startup, so im not sure if theres a way to downgrade trough that. Theres also the "be at least once a month online or we wont let you play SP thing", depending on possible solutions, that might be an issue

regarding patches: yeah mercbug gone and glitchy firewall fixed are pretty big gamechangers. On the other hand, we dont know how much patching will get done and how often they occur. So for now i`d suggest to keep everything on a board and decide if we need a clean up once a stable version is reached.

Indrek 이것을 좋아함
SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

Pretty sure you can also move during other loading screens. For example I managed to loose half my HP on a barb by going to Frigid and walk into Eldritch when the game was new and loads horrible.

I dont think the move trough loads are a big deal outside of act5, but i guess you really could go out of your way to abuse it. It also has drawbacks, like Warriv walking away from you in act2 for example or blindly walking into the wrong direction in act3

I think if IGT tool can detect the clicks, that would be the best solution.

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

might have to redo the process when patching.

You see your gameversion when you start up the game on the D2R Logo + "Press Any Button to continue"-screen in the bottom corner

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago


For those that are not aware, on reddit there is a topic that discusses what you can do to improve your loadtimes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/qey05y/d2r_single_player_tips_to_improve_your_load_times/

What i`d like to discuss here is how you guys feel about one of the tips there: "Advanced Tip #2 - Extract game files and launch with -direct and -txt in the shortcut options"

Basically you extract the files, copy them in the proper spot and your loadtimes increase drastically. It is basically what you would setup to run mods, except we dont run mods with it.

I ran a testsetup and it seems to almost cut my loads in half:


  • Start in act4
  • Take Durance WP
  • Kill mephisto
  • Take Portal to Act4
  • Leave game, repeat

I did 10 Runs, started timer in Lobby and stopped when i was back in Lobby: Regular D2R: 5:55 Total Time, 3:17 IGT -> Loadtime: 2:38 D2R -direct -txt: 4:32 Total Time, 3:09 IGT -> Loadtime 1:23

As you can see, this is a huge improvement on loadtimes. How do you guys see it? Allowed, not allowed?

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

Within the jail, it favors the best setup yes. Overall it kind of creates fairness for areas in my opinion.

For example: Dark Elder/BB/Fireeye/Tristram Far Oasis has almost instant exit times, while Palace and Lost City takes like 3s extra. Tristram you can even fullclear and still get 5+ seconds exit time

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

probably can just ask the creator if there are hidden changes that might be a problem for us.

Not sure if thats a D2DX problem or a "you" problem, but after your crash at 21:00 the recording didnt start back up until you were almost at Akara. So if thats a D2DX issue, it might increase the chance to brick a run (or we have to talk about how tolerant we are on those things).

SwitzerlandBender_3 years ago

If it doesnt give the player any advantage, it should be fine. If there are some, we should make clear which options are allowed and which arent. Havent digged deep into what it does different compared to the old one, but looking at the config options, these need a look before we approve in my opinion:

nofpsfix=false # if true, will not apply the basic fps fix (precludes high fps support) noresmod=false # if true, will not apply the built-in D2HD resolution mod (precludes widescreen support) nowide=false # if true, will not choose a widescreen resolution (if noresmod is true, this does nothing) nomotionprediction=false # if true, will not run the game graphics at high fps

from link https://github.com/bolrog/d2dx/wiki/Configuration-File

(i havent seen it in action, so my point of view is only theoretical and maybe i missunderstood what some settings are supposed to do and are no problem, like widescreen maybe)

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