FranceBalneor27 days ago

Hey. This is a repost of an update post made on the DCT thread. I posted it over there because it had a bigger impact on the leaderboard than here. I meant to post it here as well... I simply forgot.


FranceBalneor1 month ago

Hey guys.

Update post about the Result Screen Skip.

As you know, this technique can be used to skip the result screen at the end of every stage/boss. Saving precious seconds each time.

However, what may have been overlooked at the time was its use on the VS Gantz stage. Doing it there immediately sends you to the world map, seemingly skipping the Garlen fight in the process. Which would be a problem if true, because the end point of any% is found during the final boss fight itself.

Sir, are we doomed ?

Nope. After testing - thanks to @ Dog_In_Da_Grass - we now know that no, this isn't an actual Garlen fight skip. The game doesn’t treat it as such.

For instance, after performing the “skip”, you still can’t play the extras (they just replay you the cutscene that plays when you enter the resort, and after that, you are sent back to the world map again). Likewise, your save-file isn’t marked with a blue color to represent that it's completed.

It’s akin to simply existing the VS Garlen mid-fight : you get sent to the world map, with the ability to select the VS stage, but understandably, nothing more than that happens.

Therefore, you still need to properly fight him to finish the game. No changes needed.

FranceBalneor1 month ago
이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다
FranceBalneor1 month ago

This will be the main thread for holding discussions about adding rules, categories... This is a presentation post that might be updated as time goes on with extra information. Actual discussion will occur below.

Really sorry for creating yet another thread. I would have repurposed one of the existing ones, however src removed the ability to change the names of threads. Truly incredible.

FranceBalneor1 month ago

(co-written) Hey guys. Update post about the leaderboard.

As you all may know, the Steam Deck is a platform in which KPRS is fully playable (according to the Steam Store Page). That being said, use of this platform has not been seen until now, with @Leahp’s runs.

Neil and I have dug up information on it. We concluded the Steam Deck behaves more like a PC than a console (it is effectively a portable Linux machine).

For one, the Steam Deck supports an FPS Display, a 60 fps cap toggle, and possesses the ability to run certain games above 60 FPS. Additionally, the Steam Deck can be modded to significantly increase the FPS (up to 120). And the modding for it seems pretty accessible.

By now, we have accumulated enough knowledge to conclude that the game behaves differently at different frame rates outside of a certain range. Thus, we will be enforcing FPS regulation rules to Steam Deck to ensure a level playing field with both standard PC and console runs moving forward.

Thanks to Neil as usual for his help with this.

FranceBalneor2 months ago

Like with the other games I've tracked, here is the WR history of the popular categories.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, or have found issues, please report ! This is a one man work after all.

KPRS CE Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMcAAdNKt1lDcfjZWDyuxCrjaCG0d2wxJ8cbrrZtfOQ/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor2 months ago

(Full post split in two separate post because of src text limit. Part 2)

  • Switch differences

This one is quite shocking… but the way the Switch is set-up (in handheld or docked mode) would also seem to impact the game.

Neil has tested both configurations on Ghadius, and confirmed that the enemies in phase 2 could take different directions.

(Neil also felt that there were some IGT running differences between docked and handheld, but I tested this and couldn’t find a difference : )

  • Still yet more Ghadius fight shenanigans

There’s been some extra weirdness about the second phase of this fight again.

But the first big piece of news about Ghadius is that Neil did find a top level strat for the second phase that matches the speed of the original PC exclusive strat while being available on the previously disadvantaged platforms.

Along with it he also figured out the broad requirements for these fights to happen :

° Old strat (more specifically a failed attempt of it where one of the trails went up instead of down at the very end, because of the platform being something other than PC) :

You need PC with Vsync off OR have the game screen be at a 16:10 ratio while in fullscreen to ensure this enemy pattern happens.

° New strat :

This is possible and afaik the only possible strat on console. On PC, you need to turn Vsync on. Or have a different screen ratio or not be in fullscreen.

Neil attempts to provide an explanation for the fullscreen requirement, saying that “it's weird. my guess is that playing in windowed mode introduces a bit of lag that can impact the angle at which the dark moos bounce off of the wheel. playing a game in full screen typically puts its processes at higher priority (which reduces the chance of this lag)

By the end however, he stresses that «"every ghadius is personalized". So it's a matter of analyzing second phase behavior on your own to determine which of the different observed sets are present in your game.»

  • Another potential game version difference

Outside of ISJ, we are 99% confident we know of a second way to determine the version of KPRS in-game. When pausing the game, the capitalization of the « How to play » option can be different. It’s in full caps for v1.0.0, whereas the v1.0.1 has normalized writing : https://imgur.com/a/HmrkUDK

Oh, lastly, Neil has argued about shortening the names of the father categories of the leaderboard. Namely by removing the “Klonoa” name. The reason being that the name of KPRS categories were unreasonably long, sometimes to the point where they couldn’t be displayed properly on LiveSplit. Indeed, when you want to show the category you’re playing on the window of the program, it’s forced to first indicate the father category “Klonoa:Door to Phantomile” before listing the actual category specification you’re playing.

Although I believe we would need a bit more discussion when it comes to change/shortening the entire name of the father categories, I agreed that the word “Klonoa” could be removed safely without much impact on the overall outlook of the leaderboard and categories, for the sake of better LiveSplit display. (and if you’re wondering, it doesn’t affect the way the autosplitter works).

The change was proposed on the discord server in august of this year, and the few people who replied were okay with it so we pushed it.

Thanks to Neil again for his work and his tremendous help.

FranceBalneor2 months ago

(Full post split in two separate post because of src text limit. Part 1)

This update post was overdue.

New post, new strats, new technique with crazy potential... and more unfortunate news about the fundamental balance between consoles.

@NeilLegend has been fervently glitchhunting, and it definitely payed out :

  • 4-2 wind hop trick

See this video for an explanation of the trick (). Compare the same thing on PC ()

So as you can see, for the wind hop to work, you need to stay on the final wind current for a short period of time. But to gain the necessary height to clear the jump, you can normally count on the wind currents to propel you very high during that period.

But as seen in the console clip, the currents there give nowhere as much height as on PC, making the trick impossible. Doesn’t work on PS5 and Switch.

This is a top level strat that only saves a couple seconds over normal play, and on certain categories.

  • Huge new IGT abuse technique

Alternatively :

This is a pretty wild find. Tetons are supposed to pop off automatically, but they just don’t if you keep pausing and unpausing perfectly ?? When doing so, a single game frame elapses, in which the Teton continues to rise up without bursting.

Doing this in 1-1 to immediately climb onto the Lephise statue hill (that you can easily reach in support mode speedruns) saves 7 seconds, and could potentially save more if you also use it on the last screen of Balue’s Tower (if you’re wondering, Tetons also become resistant to ceilings in this one-frame game state)

This is a really unique trick that also makes you wonder what else can be tampered with by pausing this way. And speaking off, that video was done in real-time, without the use of TAS. It’s even an actual IL submission (or at least until he removed it as there was no consensus about the legality of this trick). What gives ?

Well… you’re probably guessed it now. It’s no coincidence. There a human way to pause this well.

If you hold escape after quitting the pause menu, the game will buffer it upon returning into the game. A truly broken tool here.

...Except it’s only available on the PC version. The controls are programmed differently. Ba-dum-tss.

This behavior is also possible on Wii, however it can't be used for anything meaningful. This is mainly because you can't pause-buffer in that game, as the game has a delay before you’re allowed to pause again.

On the other hand this behavior isn’t possible with PR2 either.

Anyways… would this be allowed outside of IGT abuse? Pretty clearly not, as using this pause-buffering technique to achieve anything takes several minutes. You can see it for yourself with the presented video. Not speedrun-spirit friendly. But it's a very welcome addition to IGT abuse.

FranceBalneor3 months ago

Hello. I've been tracing the history of some of these categories, and I have always thought about turning these documents online. Which would be both easier to manage, and more accessible for anyone.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, please share them here. This is a one man work after all.

Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGUBrJu45W5Hrf-TI3zSyKPAErhigVyPnoj4B8926zU/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Hello. I've been tracing the history of some of these categories, and I have always thought about turning these documents online. Which would be both easier to manage, and more accessible for anyone.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, please share them here. This is a one man work after all.

Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J-dLeF5Ocr480PdhwgTy8tZavSstuCs-SMB-V9pAI7Y/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Good catch. I forgot he ran this game.

I've been able to retrieve a link to the youtube side of the video, which is unlisted currently. And through the audit log (and more ways), I can confirm that the video was verified on this leaderboard. So even though the submission is gone, it can still safely be reinstated as an official record. Currently updating the page. (done)

You should probably still keep on his VOD just in case, but it's up to you.

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Hello. I've been tracing the history of some of these categories, and I have always thought about turning these documents online. Which would be both easier to manage, and more accessible for anyone.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, please share them here. This is a one man work after all.

Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hDTpQmlLJ-1CxtxvUjYi_bmxvHG56kW6GurYcq7w7jU/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Hello. I've been tracing the history of some of these categories, and I have always thought about turning these documents online. Which would be both easier to manage, and more accessible for anyone.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, please share them here. This is a one man work after all.

Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lLGfotT7pde0IaZNH1A4zg4qPzU3A5LuB-fch6TYGiQ/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Hello. I've been tracing the history of some of these categories, and I have always thought about turning these documents online. Which would be both easier to manage, and more accessible for anyone.

If you have doubts about certain of the information presented, please share them here. This is a one man work after all.

Doc (all-in-one) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OFI4PfPayHW7Ypd_igAVEq2MLfj2nYr2jvZLEZHlGzc/edit?usp=sharing

FranceBalneor4 months ago

And he never came back...

FranceBalneor4 months ago

Updated with the retrieval of some of Danzaiver's old speedruns !

FranceBalneor7 months ago

No reactions to my post. Maybe the people are in a silent acceptance of these change ideas… but I just finished putting in place.


Some unforeseen situations I had to adapt to :

  • I forgot “bosses” had timers too. So they just behave like ILs. (Race stages are perhaps a better name ?)

  • The Garlen fight doesn’t have any vision clear message. I guess we'll time the end point of the fight the same way we do it in any%.

  • Additionally, this fight doesn't award you any rank. So, no need to worry about no damage. And this is true for All S Ranks speedruns too !

  • I've noticed some naming inconsistencies, or dubious naming choices in the EoD board (which can most likely be credited to me).

For instance, the EoD board has the main stages called “X-X” instead of “Vision X-X”. Even though the latter is the one to show up in-game.

The extra stages are called "EX-X" on the world map, or Vision EX-X" in-stage... and yet, we decided to call them "extra X"

For the sake of relative naming consistency, I used the same logic for the DCT names.

It's not a big issue, but it's kind of irksome. I won't change anything like this without your clear consent.

FranceBalneor8 months ago

Hey. Let's start talking about DCT ILs. (People have been mainly asking about extra ILs, but I figured we can add the normal ones as well in one swift sweep).

For the general IL board structure, we'll take direct inspiration from EoD. But we also have to adapt to the new categories of this game.

Without further ado, here's what I devised :

  • Any% level category.

I opted to not include the variant where you collect the sun stone, because, it doesn’t have a full-game speedrun counterpart. That and it feels rather unfulfilling. Wouldn’t be difficult to add in, in case you guys disagree.

  • 100% level category, comprised of three run types :

° S rank

° 100% (with damage)

° 100% w/ the sun stone.

It’s possible that the 100% category for some stages out there may lead to look exactly like S rank ILs. If this happens, S rank submissions are to be favored.

The last one seems boring, as you’re mostly only switching strategies for one section (if the strategy even changes at all). But it does technically have a full-game run counterpart : all stages. I wouldn’t add it personally, but again, it’s your call. Also easy to add.

Just like in EoD, DCT has autoscroller stages. And we’ve confirmed via testing that out of the five (which are located on the X-7 stages this time), 1-7, 3-7 and 4-7 can be matched to the TAS without much effort and difficulty. Even when you pick up everything. This is because the screen scrolls slowly in those stages, so if you’re not too slow, you can catch up to it before the loading-zone gets accessible.

As such, these stages don’t have much speedrunning value, so I really think we shouldn’t bother with them. Much like EoD, we would still add these levels in, for a consistent IL board look, but submissions of them would be prohibited.

On the other hand, 2-7 and 5-7 are different by that they scroll up. You can’t buffer anything unless you play frame-perfectly (or even more precisely). It at least makes tying the max time a difficult but meaningful endeavor.

We’re also gonna reuse the EoD system when it comes to managing the extra ILs who happen to have a in-game timer. Those are extra 1, 3 and 5 (the rest are puzzle levels).

RTA will be the main metric (just like anything else), while IGT will be filled within the submission form via variables. There, you input the time and here we go.

For IGT, pausing would be banned, except for edge cases (stuff like accidentally pausing, for very briefs periods, during non-gameplay sections to give an example). But remember, you can still submit runs even with compromizing amounts of pausing in it. The IGT counterpart will be omitted, but the run will still be timed as RTA, as this is perfectly fine. Such that the time-attack spirit is kept alive. Oh and because the IGT times may be unreadable as more runs are being submitted, one trick is to filter the runs, in which you'll see the IGT variables people have submitted... and be able to find the fastest one (you can try this out on the EoD board). Absolutely wonderful.

Obviously, some categories might be unusable for certain levels. Garlen is the biggest example, as only any% suits him. You unfortunately can't make it clean, without making the back end extremely complicated and honestly miserable to use. With src anyways, simplicity is best.

So, tell me what you think. (I tried to cover everything but this was posted in a hurry, so sorry for the mistakes.)

FranceBalneor8 months ago

It should be no surprise, anything related to the ProjectEris / autobleem for the PS Classic Mini should be allowed.

The official product already was using the standalone PCSX ReARMed emulator(*). And by using these projects, you get access to retroarch and its cores (if for some reason you don't use the base one)

(*) about it, I do note that we have yet to see full-run gameplay of it. It's to be left unspecified until one such submission emerges, or someone tests it out. Here's what amoser has to say about it :

So despite not having any familiarity with the PSX Classic, I have messed with PCSX ReARMed a bit. To my knowledge, its main benefit is its high performance on ARM-based CPUs. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to have much going for it. I'd say it's probably fine, but it's not generally considered especially accurate, and it struggled with some of the common graphical glitches (like the light shafts in 2-1 not rendering properly) for longer than most other emulators did, even though it seems like some of the issues might be fixed in the current release.

FranceBalneor8 months ago

In the end, we don't have to delete the levels. So I kept them, and instead simply changed their name to reflect the fact that submissions aren’t allowed for them (+ small rules update). At least it keeps the IL board clear, and old runs aren't being deleted.

Case closed.

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