Washington, USAAiza2 years ago

I suggest we follow similar rule standardization to those given by the Kenshi devs for egg%. Although these rules weren't clear at first, their broad ideas for what should and should not be included in a speedrun is fair and legitimate. Egg% also sets a precedent for kenshi speedrunning as it is the first category to receive widespread attention.

Especially important I think is not allowing shift+F12, reset squad position, imports, and modifications to gameplay and advanced gameplay settings. They may save a lot of time in certain runs, especially when creatively used, but these are not gameplay features, nor are they glitches, exploits, or bugs, they are basic tools for either modifying the base game, or troubleshooting issues such as NPCs not spawning or player characters being caught on terrain.

I think they should get a separate category of some kind... like an "editor," "modified," or "advanced" category... can't think of a good name yet to be honest.

Also, sidenote, all the runs that use shift+f12+save/load/reset can save time by spawning a chair, sitting in it, then changing the chair coordinates to a memorized X and Y. For some reason I cannot comment on speedrun.com yet, so I can't say that under any of those runs.

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