It also cheeses the hell out of lava mode lol. The lava is laughably slow on 100+ fps XD
I just wish the fps inconsistencies were fixed lol. This game is all over the place.
I just don't agree with not implementing the rule just because your top runners don't like it. I still think it should be added until a better solution is found. Such as a bypasser. You raise the entry level to top level speedrunning by not adding this. It's not a good idea.
Have you tried finding a way to implement an fps bypasser? So that everyone's game can run like it's 144.
I'm a moderator myself for a different game, and I've seen how moderation works. One of the most important rules to ever implement is ones that make everyone play on an even playing field (Limiting fps is a big one for games who have unfair advantages from differing framerates)
Not making this a rule essentially makes this game pay to win for speedruns as people with better hardware can just go to 144 fps (The current rule cap) and get all the benefits.
Anything over 60 gives unfair advantages. I literally tested. This game was built for 60. 120 still is unfair. Even just 90 or 100 gives the advantages
I just don't think it's fair for people who are running on lower end hardware that they are at a slight disadvatage because of these slight changes from the fps. In a long run, these inconsistencies can add up.
After testing, I can confirm that being on a higher framerate can result in faster ladder climbing speed and possibly other advantageous behaviour. This doesn't affect speedruns, but an example of other advantageous behaviour from high fps is that lava moves slower when your fps is high and faster when it's lower.
TL;DR, I think there should be a rule where everyone has to run on the same framerate (60 is a good number as I believe the game was built around 60 fps).
SpaceDragon and myself can retime runs for load removals whenever we have time.