3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Recently, I've taken on the task of revitalizing the srcom side of Ty 2. For a long time now, the majority of resources/resources/discussions have taken place exclusively within the Ty speedrunning Discord server, which ignores the role that srcom can have in attracting new runners.

As such, I've recently copied over all resources and scattered bits of knowledge onto srcom so that the information is more consistent and accessible on here as it is on Discord. That said, we do strongly recommend that if you use Discord, that you join us there as there are far more people who will be able to help you out in real time.

The primary focus I've taken recently on srcom is expanding on the list of guides in the Guides tab, and I wanted to make this post as a place where people can suggest additions or edits to existing guides. I'll be adding to the list of guides whenever I can think of anything worth going into detail about that doesn't take too long (a full in-depth guide of 100%, for example, likely won't happen due to how long that would take to create).

Reply to this thread if you have any suggestions for edits or additions to the Guides section :)

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게시 일자 3 years ago
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게시 일자 6 years ago
2 개의 답글
게시 일자 9 years ago
4 개의 답글
게시 일자 10 years ago
2 개의 답글