Din's Pearl (Tunerless) (Great for Beginners)
업데이트됨 kri
작성자 Mord's Sub 50 Route
Outset Island:
- Side Hop off watch tower, swim to grandmas. Save Warp
- Climb up Watch Tower, Telescope to Quill
- Side Hop off go to Orca
- Orca fight (2 Attacks, Analog Stick Back Attack, Analog Stick Forward Attack, Should end in quick spins). Save Warp
- Head to and Complete Fairy Woods (Hope for 30 Rupees)
- Go back to grandma for shield, then return to Tetra
Forsaken Fortress:
- Get 2 red rupees (You can also side hop the gossip stone cutscene.)
- Window Skip then climb to Bokoblin
- Lore Bokoblin to pot then quick spin him off
- Second Window Skip with stick
- First Rope Swing room is self explanatory
- Once you leave the room, Hold up and roll 7-8 times, sidle into door
- Hold up then roll into the barrel, Pick it up and immediately put it down (also can start to adjust camera here)
- Roll and hug the first pillar then roll past second Moblin (If he turns around quicker, Hug and roll up the wall by stairs)
- Roll up stairs to third Moblin, Pick up barrel and wait for him to stop sniffing, Take off barrel and hug the corner to roll past him.
- Quick Sidle both ledges (Rapid tap analog stick in desired direction)
- Pick up sword, do 5 jabs then a quick spin on green Bokoblin
- Roll to door to end FF1 (You can also mash or time for a side hop during the cutscene after the Bokoblin dies)
Windfall :
- Wake up in Red and mash.
- Head up the island towards Tingles room, get pot under stairs (You can also quick spin the grass by the kids)
- Head up the stairs and get the pot be the stairs in front of Zunari (Salesmen)
- Jump off the ledge to you left and equip the sail (Z is best Kappa)
- Talk to Red and get in then Sail to Dragon Roost
Dragon Roost:
- Do Rock Skip (No need for Wind's Requiem or Zepho Skip)
- Talk to Quill and proceed into the Rito Village.
- Watch Delivery Bag Cutscene, Get Medli's Letter, Talk to Komali (Show letter, only talk once)
- Head out and talk to Medli, Get Bottle and Enter DRC (Bomb boost or jump slash the bomb puzzle)
- Do Normal DRC (with small time saves) up to Grappling Hook
(Small DRC Time Saves:)
- Don't kill Bokoblins unless necessary [Like to free Medli]
- Throw items to break/burn wooden barriers/light torches faster
- Spin Attack Bomb on wall after doing DRC Floor 1
- Bridge hop to keep Bokoblin stuck on bridge
- Roll Jumpslash to skip 1st Kargaroc and sidle
- Sidehop Jumpslash to skip second sidle
- Use Bombs to damage boost into boulders
- You have to talk to the gossip stone in the bat room with the pull block [sorry]
- Thrust 2nd Kargaroc to get key faster
- Roll Jumpslash towards door, to get Boss Door Room Faster (Optional Time Saves:)
- Cutscene Skip DRC Intro
- Get Storage to skip cutscene when getting GH
- Do Grappling Hook fast strats to get back to Boss Door Room
- Get Chest Storage and Get "Hole in One" (Just Roll, Jump, and Pray) Boss Door Skip
- Once in Gohma Boss Room, Hold L, Side Hop Left, and Press the grappling hook button
- Do Gohma first 2 roof drops normally
- On last roof drop of phase 1, try to end up in front of Gohma
- Do 2 Thrusts + Spin Attack to get Gohma phase 2, in 2 cycles.
- After Cutscene, Side Hop Right and spin camera towards warp
- Roll into warp and time.
You have now completed your first Din's Pearl Tunerless run. Now go get a sick personal best.
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