Fish Clip
7 years ago
Maine, USA

Ok so i was practicing with my friend and we were at the start of the rose level. The fish hit us below the chicken and somehow we fell through the first floor and onto the second. Sadly wasn’t recording and didnt know what had happend. Currently trying to do it again.

Maine, USA

Found it will test it some more

North Carolina, USA

So after playing with this today with the help of Cal, we discovered that it is definitely a quirk of the way the chairs hitbox works and has nothing to do with the fish in particular. The setup for this is as follows:

  1. Stand on the ground in front of a chair.
  2. Tap jump and quickly release, and once in the air, hold down.
  3. The game wants you to fall through the base of the chair, but mistakenly lets you fall through the ground to the level below.

This can be demonstrated on any of the chairs (even single, standalone chairs) in level 4.

I think, for this reason, the clip is probably more accurately named the "Chair Clip"

baldnate 이것을 좋아함
North Carolina, USA

Thank you sinBAD for this awesome discovery. The potential "optimal" time for this game has just gone way down.

sinBAD 이것을 좋아함
Maine, USA

Yeah we had figured that out, the other day. My friend also though “fish clip” made no sense anymore however I still liked the name and decided to call that on here. Was in the middle of making a video of it, porbably will release it this weekend. Thanks so much for your response and I’m glad that this is possible.

baldnate 그리고 OmniferousSwan 이것을 좋아함
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