I know this is probably a dumb question but, would a seperate category for EMU be possible to have? Like in a Misc section or so?
I know there was a thread a year ago asking if emulators were allowed in general, but I thought maybe a seperate category could work instead?
Maybe not on a separate leaderboard since there would be little reason too given this game’s activity just as long as you set your platform to emu it should be fine (with a grain of salt because emu is emu which you shouldn’t be surprised about it) and given my lack of experience in the citra version of the game I wouldn’t know what would be a weird emu glitch/inaccuracy if it were to occur, i’ll tweak the settings and you should be good to go.
Edit: also recommended not to play this on a emu since its confusing to use its touch controls and there's a trick that's not documented where you can instantly switch to another link with a timed item plus touch release which maybe confusing to preform on emu you can see this in my buzz blob cave no challenge IL after I totem green link (purple in video) as blue (white in video).