Yo guys,
You definitely have valid points! The Arcade Mode issue I discussed in its own thread, but despite my reservations I am going to make it a category because of the demand, and I'll make Treasure Battle: Beginner to Tekken God Prime its own category as well. I'm going to be at ESA until August though, so please bear with me until then!
Hello moderators of tekken 7, there is some records I have in my new youtube channel that are for arcade mode ultra hard difficulty. They are world records, i think. Why is there still not "Arcade Mode"? I understnad, that people are busy, but the game is not new anymore :D I'll have patience and wait longer, but please make it a category like you already said ("I am going to make it a category because of the demand,")
So if you have played treasure battle with a certain character already doesnt that mean you cant do Beginner to Tekken God Speedrun as they would already be ranked already?
Also do you just need to get Tekken God Prime or highest rank in Tekken God Prime?