Loading time
8 years ago

Hello everyone! I have a little question, what is the best graphical configuration to run this game? I ask this because my loading times are ridiculously long and I lost some good splits because of it. :((

Thank you :D


Here's my setup for the "Performance" options ingame CPU: Lowest GPU: Lowest GPU: Lowest Level Caching: Ultra MAX FPS: Unlimited

So since you let your Level Caching be at Ultra you should Load much faster. See if it works :)


It works, thank you very much :D (mine was set on medium for some reason :T)


Low settings will also help with some of the trickier jumps in the game, like some of the paint bucket strats for example. Certain jumps are significantly easier with higher FPS, so get it as high as you can by making the game look like garbage :D

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