New categories
1 year ago

Why not add Venus% and Mercury% categories? Yes, this is difficult to do without refueling and in one launch, but it would be interesting


Another idea for the category: docking%, you need to launch one rocket first, put it into orbit, then launch another and dock

Île-de-France, France

what about all achivements category ?

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Get to orbit rule Change

After some thinking we have decided to change the rules of the get to orbit category. The "Reached low Earth orbit" message must appear for a run to be valid so it will be easier to verify and re-time the runs. We will also remove all of the existing runs that now break the rules. We are sorry for t

11 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 1 month ago
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게시 일자 1 month ago
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게시 일자 3 months ago
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게시 일자 3 months ago
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게시 일자 3 months ago
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게시 일자 4 months ago
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