Soulcalibur Series Idea
5 years ago
슈퍼 모더레이터Slevanas
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

So I passed this idea to someone, but I figured I wanted to do so with everyone and thought of recently. Only because someone submitted a run for Arcade as Taki. When Inferno is the most optimal character to use while yes Arcade No Inferno is a category. I want to have a page for fans to run the characters they like and enjoy. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on it.

How it'd be setup is it be called Soulcalibur Characters maybe? I don't know on a name we can probably vote on one. It's only going to be a level leaderboards page where levels are the characters. And the categories are the games so SC, SC II, SC III, etc with variables for those games.

So SC as an example will have One Round, Two Rounds, Three Rounds, SC II will have Standard and Extra, IV will have Normal and Hard, V will have Easy and Hard, and VI will have the difficulties it has now.

I think this can bring new life into the games and for everyone to optimize the characters and go for the best possible times for each one. Given how many games and characters there are there's plenty of runs to do and have fun doing so.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
SefiroCrescent, MSKain, 그리고 RuiStan 이것을 좋아함
슈퍼 모더레이터Slevanas
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago
Greater Manchester, England

Like the idea, been too long since I last run but this will be interesting to run and finding strats for each character. Very interested in finding what good strats for Cerv are.

슈퍼 모더레이터Slevanas
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

I tried to make it work, but it's the fact there's empty spots and hard to make it so variables and sub categories don't clog it up. The only way I see it working is creating a page for each game to use as arcade IL extensions. But considering there's seven games that would be a pain. Even thought of google sheets maybe, but even then hard to do there. Unless anyone has an idea to set it up efficiently I'd be down for it. As it stands it's not feasible to do without having a cluttered board.

Greater Manchester, England

All I can think of is a level leaderboard as like a secondary section in the main boards as then each character for each game could be mapped out individually, I think the T3 board does that. I'm pretty sure it would allow categories too for them but I know how much time it takes to fill all that out plus it depends if you would prefer it to be strictly it's own thing or part of the games main boards. Only thing I can really think of.

슈퍼 모더레이터Slevanas
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Okay cool that actually sounds better for SC, SC II, and SC III I can do it. But the tower of lost souls ILs can probably go away. Instead moved to a sub category for the full game category. That way the runs done won't be totally gone. Soulcalibur V doesn't have ILs for anything so no issue there. However for SC VI there's the chronicles of souls ILs. I'd hate to get rid of those so talking on what should happen first. There's an idea I have that works well and it is to have an Arcade and Chronicle of Souls categories for ILs. So everyone gets to do both :)

Edit: Okay the games will have the levels be character ILs and go as fast as possible and the no ring outs is added stress. I thought it would be good in practice, but those rules just make it more annoying to run and cause more resets. That said tho the only rule kept is using default characters. Later games with custom or modified characters won't be allowed use normal characters. For SC IV I was thinking Story Mode and Extra Story Mode like SC II where you can pick different weapons and modify them.

편집한 사람 작성자 5 years ago
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