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Twitch에 의해 이 기록의 비디오가 삭제 위험에 처할 수 있습니다
UPDATE: Sonic 1 Tails submissions reopened as of patch 2.0.2
UPDATE--Previous thread title edited: Temporary pause on Sonic 1 Tails submissions (Sonic Origins patch 2.0.1) With patch 2.0.2, the issues have been fixed and submissions have now been reopened.
Hey folks,
Due to some major issues introduced with Sonic Origins Plus Patch 2.0.1, there will be a t
최근 플레이
레벨: Aquatic Ruin 2
레벨: Death Egg 1
레벨: Marble 3
레벨: Chemical Plant 1
레벨: Aquatic Ruin 1