Mirson has had 2 runs in pending for a while now due to the fact that I have been stalling thinking of what to do with them, and I'm making this thread to type out my thoughts on the subject and see what others think about it (because I don't want to see those runs in pending anymore).
So, the runs use quitting and continuing to reset the in game timer to the time it was at when you first reach a checkpoint. This, in my opinion, is fine for certain situations (like if the game literally can not function after a certain checkpoint), but I kind of don't like the idea of using it to the point where it's technically faster to restart the level, but you keep a small IGT anyways.
I have two solutions for this. Solution #1 is a new rule that bans the use of quitting and continuing outside of situations that stop you from playing the game. Solution #2 is swapping the entire leaderboard to real time.
So let's talk about it.
I don’t like the prospect of having to do RTA ILs as because the IGT was and still is why I’m mainly an IL runner. But I also don’t like the idea of completely cutting off quit resets. I think a better idea is to do what another game I glitch hunt, turbo overkill does. The IGT in that game is broken and it doesn’t add deaths to the final time of levels. So in runs where people die or restart to a checkpoint we start a timer from when they hit the checkpoint that they went back to, then we stop it when they die and add that to the final time. As long as it’s done on the runners part it shouldn’t add much hassle to the verification process.
I like Solution #1 . I thought you already wrote that in the Rules after that one time in Mirsons Stream where we talked about that .
I almost did but I held off on it in case there was a better solution for the situation.