I just finished a run and I didn’t record for my family’s privacy. Before the game released I suggested that we make it a time based thing where if you get under X, you require a recording. Most people agreed to it, could you set it now, if not, could I get a hint for when.
recording doesnt involve facecam and showing your room, u know? most runners only stream vid+splits (+mic)
and if you mean your ip by privacy...i gotta tell you: first this site (and twitch) are totally safe, but uploading a vid doesnt really make a difference to what youre already doing now here (surfing, got account, posting), youre not more glassy than now by doing that :)
For a continuation of what Jan said, if you're also worried because of a microphone, a mic is not required at all. You literally would just need to record the gameplay.
Unless you use a webcam to record the game, in which, rip you OpieOP
What I mean by my family’s privacy is that I don’t have a capture card, and my computer is crap, so I use a crap streaming app on my iPad that was made for irl streams. I’m worried that my family might go in front of the camera and stuff like that. But I might improvise for what i can do to set up the camera
I would disagree with you. Without evidence, your run isn't an official run, it is just a claim. Just my thought on it.
As starsmiley said, mic is not necessary. In fact, mic should be reserved for instances when you have something interesting to say about the run.
with the brackets in my post i meant, even mic is not always included...sry if that wasnt clear
@Bigpro19000: u dont have to record local on your HDD, if you stream it on twitch the cloud will "lose" the storage :)