a little of suggestion
2 years ago

First, the timer should end on first fade in black as the game ends when you reach the Portrait, because there is visible confusion. As i have seen, @Qainet , you end it after the first fade in black after first cutscene. On my run, i want skip all cutscenes so there is no way to see when my time has to end. Second, i suggest removing the split into the Limit and Limitless categories and want see them merged, here are the reasons. First, the game doesnt include a V-Sync and even if it had, i don't see why would you split into those categories, because the time is not big difference. Then, I feel like its a lazy Trophy grab and there is no difference in the gameplay. After that, this game is short and small, i dont see 20 people coming to compete for Both categories. Moreover, even if it had a V-Sync, im against the use of it. To accommodate the difference, i suggest adding a Variable as of Limitless. Third point, the runs have to be retimed by using RTA and i'd say youtube frame timer : here is how : as soon as the character spawns and ends on the fade in black (when screen is totally black) coming from reaching the Painting ; which means removing the "on first move" rule , because there is a slight fade out of black skip after the intro - you can start moving on the last 0.3 ~ second of the fade out of black from intro.

This way, its more fair. Again, im against the use of an external tool.

Oh_my_gourdness 그리고 Qainet 이것을 좋아함