Quizzes (Without the Skip)
Quizzes (Without the Skip)
업데이트됨 5 years ago 작성자 MaximalMegaminx

Quiz is a very specific category, as it is the only one that has no RNG, therefore all of them are predictable. This is probably not directly useful for the category as there is a faster method involving skipping some questions for later to avoid waiting, but can be used to develop patterns for them and for 10000%. Here are all the known combinations for them. Numbers 1-4 represent which answer it is from up to bottom:

-North and Central America: Capitals Quiz 1: 12442212142141

-North and Central America: Capitals Quiz 2: 42131423131212

-The U.S.: State Capitals Quiz 1:

-The U.S.: State Capitals Quiz 2:

-North America: Physical Features Quiz: 43314332241211111111

-The Caribbean: Capitals Quiz: 4221322131341

-South America: Capitals Quiz 1: 214421241341

-South America: Capitals Quiz 2: 42131423131232

-Europe: Capital Quiz 1: 324233413341221332413322423241241114312414241

-Europe Capitals Quiz 2: 311434141314332421231242413134313131241424213

-Africa: Capitals Quiz 1: 314333414231413114141213441113313214112141111413414121

-Africa: Capitals Quiz 2: 4312421342421341342424312424213414312413434143431

-Asia: Capitals Quiz 1: 321442421234344311134134412214314312334344313114

-Asia: Capitals Quiz 2: 4213142313123232414314121313124214133132134213

Next quizzes have a different layout. Here 1 is upper left, 2 is upper right, 3 is bottom left and 4 is bottom right.

-City Skylines Quiz: 142313413441

-Cardinal Directions: Fortnite Battle Royale 134212243133

-Cardinal Directions: US States 13423212

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