Introduce yourself!
10 years ago
United States

In the Kirby Speedrunning community we want to get to know everyone, And bring in new runners! So leave a post to tell us a little about you.

Who are you? What Kirby games do you want to speedrun? What got you into speedrunning? Tell us anything about you!

As for myself, I am Halodude and i have been a speedrunner for about 2 years now. I started running when I saw some Youtube vids of AGDQ 2012/2013. What really caught my attention was the run of Metroid: Zero Mission. So I went and found my cartridge of it and I began to just try to play it quickly on my GBA for the fun of it. I did not feel like I was very good at MZM so I moved to Kirby: Nightmare In Dreamland. I originally expected no body ran the game but then I found out about NeoShine and Dezero and I started to learn some of their strats. At this time the Any% WR was about 45 minutes if I remember correctly. Then I started to stream in June of 2013. Also I used to run NES games like Mega Man and DuckTales. As of today I run Knid, Halo: Reach, and I decided to go back to Metroid: Zero Mission!

North Dakota, USA

I'm Shasta. I speedrun Kirby Squeak Squad, Triple Deluxe, and Super Star Ultra in the Kirby series, but I also want to pick up Nightmare in Dreamland eventually and route Mass Attack. I also have WR in Mighty Switch Force and Metroid Prime Hunters! I've always liked the Kirby games and speedrunning has made games like this get a hell of a lot more replay value from me. I also really like DS and 3DS games, so I play those a lot as well haha. People like Pcull44444, Andy, FlareRDB, and Iateyourpie are bigger inspirations for my desire to pick up speedrunning. Also watching AGDQ 2014 made me love speedrunning as a whole and it made me really want to be a part of it... so I became a part of... it... ( ._.)

Ontario, Canada

Hey what's up I'm Truth (or Cam I don't care what you call me). I run Nightmare in Dreamland and I'm pretty bad cuz I never practice it! After AGDQ 2012 I got inspired to start running games so I picked Kirby for some reason. I wanna learn some other games as well, maybe OoT or SMW. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Anime, Mechs, and other stuff like that. I'm buds with Dram so if you ever see me in his chat say hi :D! LETS BE FRIENDS, YEAH!?


Sup! I'm kero and I used to - and plan on returning sometime - run KNiD. I also plan on returning to ALttP, but not seriously, only the weekly races maybe. Don't know how I got into speedrunning. Just looked for a challenge and started to do speedruns without knowing about any community. And then somehow I found one. Nowadays, I'm much less speedrunning than I used to. Too much real life stuff going on that I enjoy. But I still want to do it, like, casually :)

Rhône-Alpes, France

Hey, I'm Sny. I'm a 19 years old French kid.

I speedrun Kirby Super Star Ultra, Mainly the Meta Knightmare Ultra mode (though some capture problems made me unable to run it for now). I might pick up some other Kirby games on portable consoles, like Squeak squad, but that would require a proper capture.

I also run SM64 when i have the time, but as an electronics student, life doesn't give me a lot of time :p

I got interested in speedrunning back in 2006 when i watched an SM64 run, it was a 18:XX iirc. Then 2 years ago, when i discovered streaming platforms, i decided to start speedrunning myself.

Just passing by to say that this looks like a nice place to start a real Kirby community :D Have fun everyone!

Texas, USA

Hi there! My name is Daniel, better known as TuxedoMob online. I make cartoons for a living and currently live in Austin, TX.

My very first video game was a little title known as Kirby's Dreamland on the original Gameboy and ever since then, I've been hooked on the Kirby series. I've played every Kirby game I could get my hands on and will more than likely play every game that comes out in the future.

I am the current WR holder for Kirby Squeak Squad Any% (as of November 11, 2014) by some miracle, however I don't plan on running the game much anymore. I also run Nightmare in Dream Land 100% (I like finding all the buttons) and am soon picking up Kirby 64 and perhaps some other titles in the franchise.

Lower Saxony, Germany

Yo, I'm Broedgeman Currently I'm getting back into Kirby & the Amazing Mirror 100% because it's an amazing speedgame and I don't know why no one runs that.

I did a lot of runs for a bunch of Kirby games, some more Casual some less. Also it's my goal to be at least decent in most of the Kirby games but we'll see how that's gonna turn out.

I got into speedrunning by looking at the old SDA run of Demon's Crest and thought I could do it better, and well I did. It wasn't too hard because the seriousness of Speedrunning just evolved soo much since 2007

Kirby is cute!


Hey, I'm the german boy called Pascal (but please call me Kobral) and I'm 15 years old.

How I came into speedrunning:

I started with speedrunning since June, 2013 and my first game was Super Mario 64. I started to run this game because one of my friends wanted to race it with me regularly (I think my favourite Streamer "MasterR1003/Rouven also was a big inspiration). At this time speedrunning got very interesting for me, so I didn't run Sm64 that long and tried many other games which would be fun for speedrunning. But now the only game which I'm regularly running (and not a Kirby game is) is Paper Mario 64 and I'm currently going for World Records at this game.

but now with Kirby:

Honestly, I really don't know how I came into Kirby speedrunning, I just know that I started with Nightmare in Dreamland for like 3 months. Now I'm currently running besides NiD Kirby 64, Kirby Mouse Attack and Kirby Amazing Mirror. First I wanted to run Kirby Super Star Ultra as well, but I gave up after all


Hey Everyone my name is Matthias (just call me Matse or Matse007 whatever you want) and im 17 years old.

I startet Speedrunning in May 2013 and i picked up Kirby Epic Yarn as my first Game. I still thanks Kirbymastah he was explaining me i should take one of my favourite games and so i startet with KEY^^. I learned everything from the current WR video from ModularFive and yeah so i startet with Speedrunning. Sadly my Console Capture Setup is broken since November last year so i wasnt able to do a run since then. I also tried Kirby´s Return to Dreamland but yeah i didnt know the route and tricks. At the moment i Speedrun Skyrim and Monaco:Whats yours is Mine.

And to be honest: i cant wait any longer, I really want to come back into KEY speedrunning ^^.


Hellooooo, I'm Kinnin11, call me Kinnin pls ;)

I started speedrunning around september 2013. Back then i picked up the Meta Knightmare Ultra game mode of Kirby Super Star Ultra. I ran it for a looooong time until i almost got burned out on it and switched to KSSU 100%, which was a lot of fun back in the day. I took a bit of a break at one point and then got back to it with renewed motivation.

Currently i'm trying to improve my god awful KSSU 100% PB, i'm actually pretty happy with my MKU time right now. When i am satisfied with 100% i was planning on going to Squeack Squad. I also definetly want to learn NiD in the future, since there's more Meta Knight there, which i like a lot.

so yeah, thats me..... Kirby is cute and Meta Knight is cool

Western Australia, Australia

Hey runners, I am CardinalPickles.

I live in Perth, Western Australia, am 20 years old and I currently run Earthworm Jim 3D and Kirby Air Ride. I hope to broaden the Air Ride community and in the very near future will provide much of the groundwork for running the game. Since this seems to be one of the most promising locations for Kirby speedrunning, I imagine the game being introduced here at a level of competitiveness comparable to the top kirby games. It has a lot of potential that remains unused outside of Japan.

I am the only person who runs Earthworm Jim 3D with a terrible WR of 2:17:28, and more importantly the current WR holder for Kirby Air Ride all tracks with 24:13. I'll be posting to the KAR sub forum with information on the game and this record.

Cheers lads.

Ontario, Canada

Hey there guys the names BlazingRoy.

I live in Ottawa Canada, I am 22 years old and I run Kirby 64 any%, 100%, and have the current WR in fridge%. I have also run DKC any% but im not that good at it =P. I always liked Kirby 64 and was looking for something to run. When I saw 0xwas 100% I really liked how intricate it was so I decided to try and run it. Found out I wasn't bad and then got challenged to do other categories and the rest is history

Pleasure to meetcha =D

British Columbia, Canada

Hey there,

I'm TrUShade.

Kirby's Dream Land was my first ever race on SRL. I currently hold the 6th best time for the game, looking for the elusive sub 12 group. I have ran Kirby's Dream Land at the past two SummerGDQ and aiming to possible get it in at SummerGamesDQ2015 (again)

Kirby is cute

United States

Hi im chappified. I started out speedrunning with Halo and I used to do TTs of Mario kart wii back in 08-09 but have stopped. Currently I speedrun Halo, occasionally trick jump, and occasionally do what is called tricking.

Im going to try to pick up kirby 64 as an easy relaxing speedgame to do when im sick of every other game.


My name is Patrick (duh!), I'm 21 years old and live in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I had never been reeeeaaaally into speedrunning until a few months ago when I ran across Jodenstone (who btw just yesterday got the WR in Zelda OoT any% - gratz to him!).

When I was a kid, I enjoyed speedrunning Super Mario Bros. and playing Zelda OoT as fast as I could -- although I never really liked watching other people speedrun.

Then a few months ago, I started speedrunning different games again. I've tried out the good old games from my childhood, but none of them really caught my interest in the speedrunning genre. Then I came across my old Kirby games and decided to try speedrunning Kirby's Dream Land.

I can feel that I am more dedicated in this game than in all of the other games I've tried speedrunning over the last few months. That's why I've begun to stream it live on Twitch and then upload my PB's (and sometimes other stuff as well) on my YouTube.

See ya around!

Victoria, Australia

G'day to all. I am a 20 year old Aussie bloke and a new Kirby Speedrunner [or... new to the community at least] that just likes to speed run my favourite game: Kirby's adventure. One game that I thought for years nobody remembered because everyone would just mention Kirby Superstar instead. When I saw controllerhead run KA at GDQ, I thought "Holy shit, people run this game!?" And ran for the nearest NES, found it didn't work properly, threw it back on the shelf, bought it on the Wii U and have run that, and Kirby's Dreamland [an about 50 other non-kirby games] since. I'm not really good at it but... it's all a bit of fun innit?

Maryland, USA


I'm a TASer from Maryland, and I like breaking games to no end.

I got into the speedrunning community by watching trihex, a well-known Yoshi's Island speedrunner, and I honestly had never heard of the game before. I liked it though, so I decided to try and speedrun it. I soon fell in love with that game, and speedrunning. My first time coming across a Kirby speedrunner was Mr_shasta, when his FFZ emotes were on feature friday. I didn't know anybody did runs of Kirby games, so then I wanted to run a Kirby game.

I still wanted to put all of my hard work and time into Yoshi's Island, and I did just that. More recently I have been doing a large number of TAS things for that game, and then I got into TAS. I then saw Masterjun's Superstar TAS, and now that I found out that the game could be broken (iirc it's just a bug with snes9x), I wanted to test it out. I did, and while it didn't work, it was still a lot of fun.

After that, I realized how much RNG that the Kirby games had. I like manipulating RNG. I like Kirby. Kirby games have RNG. Now I'm going to do both TASes and RTAs for Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, but more TASing.

I will fanboy mugg1991 and all that he does and it will get annoying.

I may or may not stream the making of TASes.


Hello, I'm ninjahenrik!

A 22 years old swede.

I watched ADGQ 2014 after being introduced to it by some friends of mine, and after watching ESA 2014/2015 I was hooked. A few days after ESA 15 I started to give speedrunning a try and hot dayum it's fun. I mostly run indie games like Rogue Legacy and DLC Quest.

I was just browsing around on this site when I saw that people was speedrunnning one of my childhood favs: Kirby's Dream Land! Need to play it way more but my freetime is limited so I'm happy whenever I can play

United States

Hello, I am peterafro. I am currently learning amazing mirror.

I started speedrunning back in early 2013 with Nezumi Man, since the IGT at the end made me want to try beating it fast.

United States

Hi, I'm Space! I got into speedrunning by watching multiple GDQs and I decided to try it out pretty recently. I really like Kirby's Dreamland 3, so I'm learning it right now. I might also try some other games like Metroid Prime, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and Earthbound.

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