Bunny possible in any%?
1 year ago

None of you know me, but I watched a speedrun video the other day that got me thinking. Since the Bunny can be unlocked at 8 achievements, would it be possible to unlock it early enough in the run to make a difference? The routing should enable for

Dodge The Squares

Isn't That Cheating?

Keep It Simple

Coming Full Circle

The Conscientious Lizard

A Breath Of Fresh Nothing

I imagine Galactic Vandalism would be possible, if at the very end of Level 10 you crumble all the tiles, and add a few more along the way.

A Bumpy Ride

This leaves about 10 levels for Bunny, which should drop the run time down a fair amount. Thoughts?

New Jersey, USA
삭제한 사람 작성자

you are wise to think of this; i will say it has seen a bit of experimentation (i and other runners have tried it a bit)

here's my thoughts on it (which may or may not reflect reality)

  • some achievements add measurable time to the run if you decide to do them (Coming Full Circle requires switching to the runner, going around the tunnel and switching back to the skater or finishing the tunnel; A Bumpy Ride is incredibly risky to attempt with the skater that deep into a run; etc)
  • you'll also need expertise with, and routing for, the bunny past when you unlock it, which is something not every runner has (some people only run any% or mtng+ and not both)
  • it's unclear whether the time the bunny would save would be significant enough to offset getting these achievements

an alternate strategy does exist. Infinite Mode is unlocked after pressing the info button to view the credits. lots of achievements are tied to specific IM levels; playing IM for a bit could lead to unlocking the bunny much earlier. however:

  • you need to get a set amount of achievements (anywhere from 1 to 8 depending on which main tunnel achievements you aim to get) from infinite mode in under a minute
  • the order of IM levels is completely RNG-based; you might just not get an achievement level for 10 seconds (which means 10 seconds wasted)
  • you can use the same menu skip used between levels in standard runs to reset the IM seed in hopes of getting an achievement level to show up, but doing so makes certain achievements far less consistent (Violation of Common Sense, Buried Boxes Ahead, Right Back Into the Air) or impossible (Painstaking) to get; it's not clear whether this is a better strategy as a result
  • the skater, while faster, is significantly worse at some achievements than the runner is (What's Inside?, Dizzy), as such it's not clear which character is better to farm achievements either

overall people don't use the bunny in any% due to the inconsistencies involved in obtaining it; it's still likely that the optimal any% run does involve unlocking the bunny, but for now no one does that lol

hope this was helpful and/or accurate

Thank you for your response. I tested out a few tentative runs (and yeah, Bumpy Ride is harder than I remembered lol), and it seemed like most of the achievements were short enough to not offset the time too much. If someone skilled in both categories (not me... yet) attempted it, I think it has a lot of potential. On another note, I noticed something strange on the CoolMath games version. I still can't remember why I chose to open the objectively worst version of the game, but I noticed some really cool stuff. For one, the Duplicator has returned, and is playable again (ngl I was so ecited for this, I 100% most of the game with him back on Flash). Also, the U-Tunnel, and by extension the D-Tunnel are just... gone. This must have been an update, which could mean a new, easier, earlier achievement could be added soon. Whatever the case, I do believe that Bunny will someday be used for the peak any% run. Your reply is much appreciated, thank you for the info!

oreoid 이것을 좋아함
Charlotte, NC, USA

I tried this for years man it never amounted to anything significant

You need to either have the bunny at 1:25 in Level 5 (usually means getting 6 infinite mode achievements in under a minute, which is extremely hard and luck based), or unlocking bunny in Level 59, with the following achievements:

Dodge the Squares

A Breath of Fresh Nothing

Isn't that Cheating?

Galactic Vandalism

Keep it Simple

The Conscientious Lizard

A Bumpy Ride

Grinding the Tunnel (into dust)

Using the Bunny for only the last 5 levels of the run hardly saves any time. I haven't done enough testing with a 3 infinite achievement route (unlocking bunny after level 17) but from what attempts I did in 2022 I didn't get much success with that route either.

The current route in Any% still has at least 3 seconds to save to just menus, and I feel those are much easier to shave off than using Bunny routes. The 0.7-1.5 seconds lost just to switch to bunny matter tremendously at this level already. Bunny routes have been theorized for years now and nothing has come of them. Sorry, but I really don't think the Bunny will find its way into Any% anytime soon. :((

oreoid 이것을 좋아함

update: nevermind, bunny absolutely is viable in any%

i started grinding it out and i got a 10:34.8 with tons of obvious mistakes

currently unsure of the optimal time with this method but this is a good start lol

Yo! That's awesome!

oreoid 이것을 좋아함
United States

a year later, this is how ppl r getting world records in this game

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