(Reworked) Major Glitches & Explanations
(Reworked) Major Glitches & Explanations
업데이트됨 2 years ago 작성자 SephJul

----- Barry Glitch (Jill)

Goal : Freeze Barry in the dining room to skip the blood cutscene

Setup : You must open inventory/config menu during very specific frame to glitch Barry animation

----- Chemical skip (Jill/Chris)

Goal : Skip the chemical mandatory item by dupe plant tentacles

Setup : Hold Aim - Do one turn on yourself - Stop aim - Walk ahead

Note : Can be optimised on PS version by cancel autoaim with L1

----- Serum Skip (Jill)

Goal : Skip the serum item by glitching the Richard cutscene

Setup : Open inventory/config menu at the exact same position than cutscene trigger (Camera change landmark) and then open the menu during the cutscene ( can softlock if you don't have the right timing) to be able to move. Go out the room and come back. Richard should be dead.

Note : Serum Skip is also a timer glitch, Richard timer (421secs) don't start when the cutscene is glitched and the total from the beginning is count for Richard's death. This very specific timer don't count doors, itembox etc. So sometimes, if you re really too fast, Richard isn't dead.

----- Plant42 Glitch (Jill)

Goal : Skip the Plant42 Barry Cutscene

Setup : You have to glitch the cutscene to go out of the room during Plant42 death. For that you can use door text buffering or go out of the room at the exact moment that your last grenade hit the Plant42. If you use the text buffer, open inventory/config menu to be able to move. Then you have to come back, open inventory/config menu to move and kill Plant42 for a second time with fire grenade. The take the key. If you lose Jill's controll just open inventory/config menu again.

----- Yawn 2 Cutscene Skip

Goal : Skip the Yawn 2 entrance cutscene

Setup : You must be as close to the snake as possible to hit it with the Grenade Launcher. As It is impossible to reach it by aiming at it from afar, you must do a position setup to be less pushed by the wall and therefore gain a few pixels.

----- Rope Skip (Jill)

Goal : Have rope cutscene trigger without wait Barry come back

Setup : You have to take the ladder at the moment when the cutscene should begin. Doing 8 turns on yourself can help to time it.

Note : SephJul timed it twice for bad ending and seems faster by 12/13 secs on psxjin. Must be rechecked.

----- Gaz Room OOB (Jill)

Goal : OOB in the laboratory gaz room for a faster MO disk

Setup : To do the OOB, you must aim, do a turn on yourself, use the stepladder, and press action again to go through the wall.

----- Radio Skip (Chris)

Goal : Skip the radio grab by glitching cutscene

Setup : Open inventory/config menu at the exact same position than cutscene trigger (Camera change landmark) and then open the menu during the cutscene to be able to move.

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