No Knife% as a CE category
3 years ago
United States

Hey everyone!

I hope everybody is doing well and enjoying their runs. I've been getting a lot of interest regarding No Knife categories, and after chatting with Maxylobes, we are ready to propose a No Knife category which would be added to the Category Extensions. Check out the details below and reply with your thoughts!

When RE2R was first released, many runners were shocked to see that the knife took a lot of the variety out of the run, despite the game having a ton of categories. Lately, several runners have expressed interest in Standard and Hardcore categories where the knife is not permitted as an offensive weapon, allowing the arsenal of weapons in the game to have a place to be featured in speedruns. Overall the response has been incredibly positive and we are eager to bring this category to the CE boards as soon as possible.

Here are the proposed category rules:

Beat the game without the use of Infinite Weapons. Out of bounds/item duplication is BANNED.

The usage of knives as an offensive weapon is banned. Players may use a knife when the game prompts the use of a defensive item, but any damage dealt with the knife outside of its use as a defensive item will invalidate that run.

All runs must start from the main menu or scenario choice screen.

Submissions must contain all footage for the runs provided.

FPS must be capped at or below 120fps. FPS must be displayed during the entire run. You can activate this in "Steam > Settings > in-game > in-game. See forums for alternative suggestions.

FPS Settings may not be changed during the run. Graphics Settings may only be changed at Boss fights to allow higher/consistent framerate. If Graphics Settings are changed for Boss fights, it MUST be visible during the video. If Graphics Settings changes are cut from the video, the run will be rejected.

At this point all we are asking for is whether or not this is something you would like to see on the Category Extensions. If you're indifferent, that's okay too, but as long there continues to be people interested, I will create the category and add it into the CE boards next week.

Post your thoughts below! Thanks everyone!

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
felpsnovaes, DJatc 그리고 11 기타 이것을 좋아함

Sounds like fun, I would play it.

United States

Please do it


I support this idea, seems fun.

Washington, USA

I'm all for no knife, let's make it a thing. I'd come back your inning RE2R for it.

I use to run this exclusively for a minute back in the RE2 days. Except I left out the handgun as well. Even have a run on youtube somewhere in hopes of it being added.

Birkin 1 is a damage sponge without the knife. Lol

Very interesting indeed.

Edit: i removed handgun as well because it played to big of a part for my liking.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Michigan, USA

Let’s do this! Too many defeat birkin with knife. I’d like to see how it would go without the knife! This will be very interesting as a speedrunner myself! Let’s get it!!


As someone who ran this game to death, i think this is absolutely fantastic idea. I remember early on when knife was discovered, that yeah it was strong. We slowly ended up seeing all categories remove weapon by weapon and the whole run end up becoming knife only. This will add a lot more newness back to the game for people who've been running this game for so long on 120fps, and dont want to play on 60fps.

I support this 100%

Sawken, Lucylover 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함

Magnum my love here we go

TheMrEnigma72 이것을 좋아함
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Yes 100% nothing else to say.


I 100% support , this category will for sure be accesible to anybody, regardless of framerate or platform

United Kingdom

Looking forward to this :)

Dublin, Ireland

I’d definitely 100% run this. I’m just surprised this is being proposed. I thought the mods are swamped atm. The interest for this game might increase again so I hope you mods don’t mind, lol. But absolutely. I’d run this

Dublin, Ireland

I was gonna say though, using knives as defensive items seems kind of unnecessary? I don’t understand why that’s ok because on other categories like Knife Only or Handgun Only, those are the only weapons you can exclusively use. I mean it almost feels like a redundant rule. Like it would just take up inventory space. Unless you can use the knife that Marvin gives you as a defensive item and that’s it because you’ve no choice but to pick that up. I wouldn’t be mad at this rule exactly, I just feel like it should be talked about. Or maybe I’m just not reading the rules correctly, lol

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
WaxyBear 이것을 좋아함
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Yeah I guess the only point of contention here is whether or not the knife should be used as a defensive weapon. I think the answer should be "no" to keep it consistent with other specific weapon categories. You're basically using the knife even though you're not slashing which seems weird.

Lucylover 이것을 좋아함
Dublin, Ireland

Exactly what WaxyFun said

The idea of a no knife category has nothing to do with the knife as a defensive weapon.

Its just to see runs as they wouldve been if the knife wasnt so OP. So you take out the use of the knife as a offensive weapon but still use it as a defensive weapon.

Ofcourse at the end of the day its quickest to not get in a situation where you have to use a defensive weapon anyways.

København, Denmark

Amazing idea, good shit !

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