Is placing towers in this non-working red zone on Area 52 allowed?
25 days ago

The title is probably self-explanatory, but I will go a bit more into detail here. On Area 52, at the very start, there is a red zone, but for some reason, towers can still be placed here. Is this allowed, or should it be considered a glitch, and therefore be banned?

United States

if u can place it u can place it nothing more to say really

Alrighty, just wanted to check.

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
New Fallen & Molten: Leaderboard Update

Hi TDSS Community,

You may have noticed that your Molten/Fallen speedrun has been either orphaned or deleted. This change is due to recent updates in the Molten/Fallen mode, where players now receive significantly less money and must eliminate all spawned enemies to progress to the next wave withou

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