Update Time Speedrunners!
- We are having the next wave of allowed mods as well as a few changes to the permitted Remix Settings
- These changes are to allow better QoL on the side of the runner, if they so want it, as well as bringing settings more in line with the settings allowed in the Rain World Discord Challenges
- Reminder that if you are running multiple mods the chances of the game crashing may increase so using some mods, such as the beta for Mod Presets, is at your own risk
New Allowed Mods
- We will now be allowing the Music Announcements, Merge Fix, and Mod Preset Mods!
- This wave of allowed mods comes more in line with what the Rain World Discord Challenges Allow
- By no means do you need to use these these are only for convenience or quality of life for the runners
- Music Announcements: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2924356705
- Merge Fix: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2977508597
- Mod Presets: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3013004388
New Remix Settings Changes
The Increased Stun Times Remix Setting is now allowed for all runs
- The "Scavenger Corpses have Max Karma" Setting will now be allowed for the Artificer any% and Story Speedruns to help with resets at the beginning of the run
- New Imgur Link for Downpour Mods and Remix Settings:
- https://imgur.com/a/TOdNRnr
Hello Speedrunners!
New Allowed Mods
- As an update from the Discord we would like to state that we don't want to use mod presets while it is still in Beta state
- Additionally we are ok with the "No More Tinnitus" Mod and the "Sharpener" Mod in runs
- No More Tinnitus: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2945772410
- Sharpener: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920451662
We have a few updates on how we are going to be dealing with the in-game timer going forward
Speedrun Timer Fix Mod and Livesplit Updates
- The Speedrun Timer Fix has been updated and we would like to ask that anyone doing runs or even just playing the game in general could have the mod on and let us know if you notice any lag or otherwise issues with the mod being active in general
- Speedrun timer fix will be using the FREE in-game timer with is the same as the timer is now but without the issues of lowing time on karma cashing/ starving etc, if you are doing runs with the timer we would like the Old timer to be visible as well as the speedrun timer for a bit
- If nothing I just said makes sense its suggested to use this mod listed below and have the milliseconds and old timer listed in settings:
- Speedrun Timer Fix: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2960580529
- The Livesplit autosplitter has also been updated, if you have the timer listed as showing the in-game timer then it will list the same time the speedrun timer fix is showing (you don't need the timer fix mod for this to work)
Leaderboard Changes in Future
- For speedruns we intend to have runners submit runs with either the mod active or the livesplit in game timer active going forward
- However, for now, we are in the testing phase and would like to see people use both in runs and see what happens, so for all runs we would like to continue to see the old timer to remain on before we fully adopt the new timing method
- When we adopt the new timing method for speedruns runs using the old will be subject to having the listed in-game timer changed
We will be posting another update soon when we feel as though we are ready to fully go into this new timer change
Hello Again!
For those of you who have been following the updates on the Rain World discord, etc., you will have noticed that we have been testing and approving certain Steam Workshop mods for use in speedruns and scoreruns
As a note just to reiterate all speedruns must have the speedrun verification setting on in the options, this allows us to know as verifiers which mods you are using, if a mod is clearly being used but is unaccounted for in speedrun verification we will not be accepting the run
Currently, we are now going to be allowing the following Mods:
Input Display, but only with the “High Performance” setting on:
Score Galore, but only with the “Show score in real time” setting off:
Fast Roll Button:
Dress my Slugcat, but no other workshop mods that provide sprites may be active it is recommended you have the remix setting "Load Inactive Mods" on
Currently not allowed but are currently looking at allowing are the following mods:
Speedrun Timer Fix:
Please allow us the time to properly update the rules to reflect these changes
Otherwise, if you have any ideas for which mods you would like to see allowed please let us know
Just to make sure if anyone didn't know of the discord and wishs to talk to someone regarding anything about the speedruns can do so on the official Rain World Discord here:
Currently the #meta-and-tech and #movement channels are the relevant ones for talking about speedruns
Otherwise the Rain World Speedrun Event Discord also exists and will be used for any speedrun event that may be hosted, next one will be in the Summer!
Outside of that we will be creating guides and resources as we can
Here are the following settings for Remix as voted for
Speedruns: Must have on:
- Speedrun Validation (in options menu)
- Speedrun Timer
Must have off:
- Increased Stun Times
- Pull Spears from walls
- Key Items on Passage (may be allowed for certain runs later)
- Monk Extended Breath
- Monk Extra Light Assistance
- No Randomized Cycle Duration
- All Major Assists
- Scavenger Max Karma
- Lossless Scavenger Corpses
- Artificer Explosion Capacity Change
Scoreruns: Must have on:
- Speedrun Validation (in options menu)
- Speedrun Timer
Must have off:
- Increased Stun Times
- Pull Spears from Walls
- Alpha Reds
- Monk Extended Breath
- Monk Extra Light Assistance
- No Randomized Cycle Duration
- All Major Assists
- Scavenger Max Karma
- Lossless Scavenger Corpses
- Artificer Explosion Capacity Change
In the event there is a setting on that isn't allowed but did not effect the run (such as the monk settings when playing as a different character) it is up to the moderators to decide to allow the run
These will be considered as general settings going forward, for specific runs settings may be turned on or off as needed
Both runs will allow both Jolly Coop and Expedition to be on, and will allow players to use Jolly Coop to play characters they wouldn't normally be able to for score runs (must be shown and listed which character they are playing to be put on the applicable board for that character)
Both runs will require the Speedrun Validation and Speedrun Timer settings to be on and at least one capture of the loading screen showing the Speedrun Validation output
Under no circumstances should the speedrun validation block or timer be covered at any point
Score runs over 50k still require full video, a new leaderboard will be created as reasonable for the new score runs as we can make it, the scoreruns will likely be listed on speedrun.com at some point in the future as well
For speedruns please be patient as we update the rules for all runs, if a category is missing on speedrun.com let us know, you may now submit runs as you please
Times on base game will be listed as 1.9 and will NOT be using the Speedrun timer for listed times, and will be using the same timing method
Times on the Downpour boards will have the speedrun timer as the IGT time and real time listed as up to when the timer stops real time
Speedruns on the downpour boards must have More SlugCats on, and runs on base game must have Remix on but not MoreSlugCats
The Rivulet story speedrun may allow the use of no randomized cycle duration being enabled due to the run being possible on a dice roll otherwise
If the setting is not mentioned in the following figures then it is fine to have it either on or off, if there is any question on specific settings let any of the Speedrun.com mods know
We will be revisiting the remix settings later, but otherwise, if you feel a specific category would be better with or without a setting let us know
We will be opening the leaderboards for Downpour speedruns this coming week, currently we are deciding on the Remix options that will be allowed for each speedrun
The form here is available to add your input on which setting should be used and which categories people would like to see: https://forms.gle/zPwfGHngX9rWmTHA9
A basic layout of speedruns is currently available but may be subject to change
Regardless of form results the Speedrun Verification and Speedrun Timer must be active during a run
Both in game time from the speedrun timer and real time must be put in for runs
No mods are allowed to be used currently other than the prepackaged ones such as expedition and jolly
Runs without the More Slugcats mod and only remix on will be accepted on the previous main board as version 1.9 runs, runs on this board will be exclusively runs with the More Slugcats Mod active
Runs without either on will be considered 1.9 unless the game is downpatched
- We are having the next wave of allowed mods as well as a few changes to the permitted Remix Settings
- These changes are to allow better QoL on the side of the runner, if they so want it, as well as bringing settings more in line with the settings allowed in the Rain W