IL categorys
7 years ago
California, USA

if there were too be any IL's what would they be? Because i can't think of any what so ever

Iowa, USA

All Qwark vid comics 1 after another?

California, USA

thats prob a good idea i just kinda want more things for this category extension thing i would do it


Vid-comic 6 maybe, but I'd just recommend running the categories that exist

Iowa, USA

Maybe certain Annihilation Nation Challenges like the Gauntlets, Championship bouts, and the Qwarktastic Battle could be extension ILs?

California, USA

whats vid comic 6 aren't their only 5 of them?Also like the champion bount 4 or something like that. That would make sense in my opinion

Iowa, USA

Vid comic 6 is in the Insomniac Museum

Tennessee, USA

What about the hover bored races? I like doing them.

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게시 일자 4 years ago
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게시 일자 7 years ago
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