게시 일자 5 months ago 작성자

I made a Pixel Quest hack: Speedrun v1.0.0 that is required for any Individual Level runs performed after January 27, 2024.

This version also can be used on full game runs.

You can download the new Speedrun v1.0.0 swf here: https://www.speedrun.com/pqtlg/resources

Special thanks to @DarkStuff for investing so much time and effort on the Lost Gifts, and to @DarkStuff, @lBedrockl and @Metroidbro99 for testing. Let's fill the boards with new records!

게임 통계
최신 뉴스
Pixel Quest hack: Speedrun v1.0.0

I made a Pixel Quest hack: Speedrun v1.0.0 that is required for any Individual Level runs performed after January 27, 2024.

This version also can be used on full game runs.

You can download the new Speedrun v1.0.0 swf here: [

5 months ago
최근 쓰레드
게시 일자 2 years ago
1 개의 답글
게시 일자 7 years ago
0 개의 답글