So you know the first any% run that got submitted today? Yeah well in the vent chase he clips through the door at the end that you usually have to wait for to open. How does he do that??
Someone just found an OOB glitch today, which allowed the first ever patch 1.3 any% run. They used a glitch that allowed them to clip through one of the vent doors during the huggy chase.
the out of bounds in the battery room was known for a few weeks, but no one ran this category yet
Alright. Do you know how he clips through the vent door at the end of the chase? It sort of looked like he lagged through it but I wasn't sure
If you didn't know, two days ago Twitch announced that Highlights will now have a 100 hour storage limit meaning that you can only have a total of 100 hours of highlights on your Twitch Channel.
The change doesn't come to effect until April 19th, but today we will be implementing som