Over heating
10 months ago
United States

Every Time I play this game and try to speedrun it I overeat how do speedrunners not overheat just want to know so I can actually get run sof the game

Maryland, USA

Well, there's a couple ways to avoid overheating. Ride over the cooldown arrows and use A instead of B (until you reach a cooldown arrow). The more advanced way is to release B anytime you're in the air. If you watch closely, your TEMP meter will drain a small amount if you release B while in the air. Over the course of a race this adds up to alot of temperature drain if you do it everytime you're in the air.

United States

OK thanks will try it when I get the chance

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New "Single Lap" Individual Levels and NWC

Hi everyone,

We now have five new IL categories for the Selection A challenge races: Single Lap! The beauty of this is that submissions are still reported using the In-Game timer. These new levels will follow the same rules for all other Selection A individual levels.

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